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Code for the paper 'Video Gesture Analysis for Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection', ICPR 2018
Video Gesture Analysis for Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection
Code for the paper Video Gesture Analysis for Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection, Zunino et al, ICPR 2018 (pdf, proceedings)
author = {Andrea Zunino and Pietro Morerio and Andrea Cavallo and Caterina Ansuini and Jessica Podda and Francesca Battaglia and Edvige Veneselli and Cristina Becchio and Vittorio Murino},
title = {Video Gesture Analysis for Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection},
booktitle = {International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)},
year = {2018},
The dataset
The dataset contains trials performed by both autistic kids and control subjects. Main task is to perform this two-class classification.
The code
This repo is based on this public code implementing an attention-based LSTM and is meant to classify autistic kids from the kinematics of motion. It contains:
- matlab scripts for estracting CNN features from the video frames (GoogleNet - Caffe)
- python scripts for the actual LSTM training (theano)
(Main) Dependencies
This repository is released under the MIT LICENSE.