Please provide a sample project.
This is currently not implemented. See Todo section: Follow up /// declarations Process node_modules/**/*.d.ts Process typings/**/*.d.ts Those can just be imported if a import statement exists in any ts file
No ... This is hard work to do, because of the wildcard export feature like `export * from './zone';` which may be nested too.
Why not using TS-Lint?
This is a bit harder to implement, because there may be empty lines or commented lines between the statements ...
Nope because of performance issues
I will take a look into it
This is a bit hard to fix, because the usual auto complete feature is applied. I will take a look into it, how to detect this state.
Why not using tslint?
I will take a look into it, until i have found a fix for this, you can add this file to the excluded files (tsimporter.filesToExclude)