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🤳 VR/AR with react-three-fiber


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React components and hooks for creating VR/AR applications with @react-three/fiber

npm install @react-three/xr


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Getting started

react-xr provides immersive VRCanvas and ARCanvas components that extend the react-three-fiber Canvas. These components configure an XR button and configures your scene for XR rendering and interaction.

import { VRCanvas, ARCanvas } from '@react-three/xr'

function App() {
  return (
        <boxGeometry />
        <meshBasicMaterial color="blue" />

See XRCanvas for a full list of props.

Adding controllers to the scene

To get started with default controller models add <DefaultXRControllers /> to your scene. It will fetch appropriate input profile models for your device from @webxr-input-profiles/motion-controllers.

  /** Optional material props to pass to controllers' ray indicators */
  rayMaterial={{ color: 'blue' }}
  /** Whether to hide controllers' rays on blur. Default is `false` */

You can access controllers' state (position, orientation, etc.) by using useXR() hook

const { controllers } = useXR()

// or, via a Zustand selector
const controllers = useXR((state) => state.controllers)


To interact with objects using controllers you can use <Interactive> component or useInteraction hook. They allow adding controller event handlers to your objects.


<Interactive /> wraps your objects and accepts XR controller event handlers as props. Supports select, hover, blur and squeeze events (see XR inputsources).

  /* Called when hovered by a controller */
  onHover={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called when unhovered by a controller */
  onBlur={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called on button press when selected by a controller */
  onSelectStart={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called on button release when selected by a controller */
  onSelectEnd={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called on button release when another interactive is selected by a controller */
  onSelectMissed={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called when selected by a controller */
  onSelect={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called on button press when squeezed by a controller */
  onSqueezeStart={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called on button release when squeezed by a controller */
  onSqueezeEnd={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called on button release when another interactive is squeezed by a controller */
  onSqueezeMissed={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called when squeezed by a controller */
  onSqueeze={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  /* Called when a controller moves over the object, equivalent to pointermove */
  onMove={(event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...}
  <Box />


<RayGrab /> is a specialized <Interactive /> that can be grabbed and moved by controllers.

  <Box />


useInteraction subscribes an existing element to controller events.

The following interaction events are supported: onHover, onBlur, onSelect, onSelectEnd, onSelectStart, onSelectMissed, onSqueeze, onSqueezeEnd, onSqueezeStart, onSqueezeMissed, onMove.

const boxRef = useRef()
useInteraction(boxRef, 'onSelect', (event: XRInteractionEvent) => ...)

<Box ref={boxRef} />


To handle controller events that are not bound to any object in the scene you can use useXREvent hook. This is a low-level abstraction that subscribes directly into the native XRInputSource (see XRInputSourceEvent).

useXREvent('squeeze', (event: XRControllerEvent) => ...)

It supports an optional third parameter with options for filtering by handedness.

useXREvent('squeeze', (event: XRControllerEvent) => ..., { handedness: 'left' | 'right' | 'none' })

Custom XRButton and XRCanvas

react-xr includes a primitive XRCanvas and XRButton to compose your canvas and session buttons in your UI.

For example, this would be equivalent to VRCanvas:

<XRButton mode="VR" sessionInit={{ optionalFeatures: ['local-floor', 'bounded-floor', 'hand-tracking', 'layers'] }} />
  // ...


<XRButton /> is an HTML <button /> that can be used to init and display info for your WebXR session.

  /* The type of `XRSession` to create */
  mode={'AR' | 'VR' | 'inline'}
   * `XRSession` configuration options
   * @see
  sessionInit={{ optionalFeatures: ['local-floor', 'bounded-floor', 'hand-tracking', 'layers'] }}
  /** Whether this button should only enter an `XRSession`. Default is `false` */
  /** Whether this button should only exit an `XRSession`. Default is `false` */
  {/* Can accept regular DOM children and has an optional callback with the XR button status (unsupported, exited, entered) */}
  {(status) => `WebXR ${status}`}


<XRCanvas /> is a react-three-fiber <Canvas /> that configures your scene for XR rendering and interaction. It is the base component of <VRCanvas /> and <ARCanvas />.

   * Enables foveated rendering. Default is `0`
   * 0 = no foveation, full resolution
   * 1 = maximum foveation, the edges render at lower resolution
  /** Type of WebXR reference space to use. Default is `local-space` */
  /** Called as an XRSession is requested */
  onSessionStart={(event: XREvent<XRManagerEvent>) => ...}
  /** Called after an XRSession is terminated */
  onSessionEnd={(event: XREvent<XRManagerEvent>) => ...}
  /** Called when an XRSession is hidden or unfocused. */
  onVisibilityChange={(event: XREvent<XRSessionEvent>) => ...}
  /** Called when available inputsources change */
  onInputSourcesChange={(event: XREvent<XRSessionEvent>) => ...}
  {/* All your regular react-three-fiber elements go here */}


This hook gives you access to the current WebXR state defined by <XRCanvas />.

const {
  // An array of connected `XRController`
  // Whether the XR device is presenting in an XR session
  // Whether hand tracking inputs are active
  // A THREE.Group representing the XR viewer or player
  // The active `XRSession`
  // `XRSession` foveation. This can be configured as `foveation` on ARCanvas or VRCanvas. Default is `0`
  // `XRSession` reference-space type. This can be configured as `referenceSpace` on ARCanvas or VRCanvas. Default is `local-floor`
} = useXR()


Use this hook to get an instance of the controller

const leftController = useController('left')


Use this hook to perform a hit test for an AR environment. Also see XRHitTestResult.

useHitTest((hitMatrix: Matrix4, hit: XRHitTestResult) => {
  // use hitMatrix to position any object on the real life surface


Add hands model for hand-tracking. Works out of the box on Oculus Browser v13, and can be enabled on versions as low as v10.2 with #webxr-hands experimental flag enabled.

  <Hands />

Custom hands model

While a default model is provided, you might want to use a different model that fit your design.

It can work with any glTF model as long as they're ready for WebXR handtracking. If you don't specify a model for one hand it'll use the default one.

<Hands modelLeft="/model-left.glb" modelRight="model-right.glb />


player group contains camera and controllers that you can use to move player around

const { player } = useXR()

useEffect(() => {
  player.position.x += 5
}, [])