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Custom Effect not working -- Example in documentation is not TypeScript-compatible.
My overall goal is to implement Pixi.js's Twist Filter as a custom Effect in an React-Three-Fiber app. Here's a working example of the filter's shader ported to a Three.js ShaderMaterial
I'm not getting any errors from the program, so I'm not sure what's wrong. In addition, I just copy/pasted this example from the docs and TypeScript immediately yelled at me. Any help is greatly appreciated!
import { forwardRef, useMemo } from 'react'
import { Uniform, Vector2, Vector4, Texture } from 'three'
import { Effect } from 'postprocessing'
import fragmentShader from '../../../shaders/twist.frag'
let _radius
let _angle
let _offset
// Effect implementation
class TwistEffectImp extends Effect {
constructor() {
const radius = 0.9
const angle = 30
const offset = new Vector2(0.0, 0.0)
super('TwisterEffect', fragmentShader, {
uniforms: new Map([
['radius', new Uniform(radius)],
['angle', new Uniform(angle)],
['offset', new Uniform(offset)],
_radius = radius
_angle = angle
_offset = offset
update(renderer, inputBuffer, deltaTime) {
this.uniforms.get('radius').value = _radius
this.uniforms.get('angle').value = _angle
this.uniforms.get('offset').value = _offset
// Effect component
export const TwistEffect = forwardRef(({ param }, ref) => {
const effect = useMemo(() => new TwistEffectImp(param), [param])
return <primitive ref={ref} object={effect} />
uniform float radius;
uniform float angle;
uniform vec2 offset;
vec2 mapCoord(vec2 coord ) {
coord *= resolution;
return coord;
vec2 unmapCoord(vec2 coord ) {
coord /= resolution;
return coord;
vec2 twist(vec2 coord) {
coord -= offset;
float dist = length(coord);
if (dist < radius) {
float ratioDist = (radius - dist) / radius;
float angleMod = ratioDist * ratioDist * angle;
float s = sin(angleMod);
float c = cos(angleMod);
coord = vec2(coord.x * c - coord.y * s, coord.x * s + coord.y * c);
coord += offset;
return coord;
void mainUv(inout vec2 uv) {
vec2 coord = mapCoord(uv);
coord = twist(coord);
coord = unmapCoord(coord);
gl_FragColor = texture2D(inputBuffer, coord );
Did you find a solution to this?