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A web-based GIS tool for visualisation and analysis of geospatial data
GIS Portal
The GIS portal is a web-based visualisation and analysis tool for examining geospatial data that is available via Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS)
The GIS portal was developed as part of the European Commission FP7 project OpEc, and its development continues with eartH2Observe as well as other sources of development investment or sponsorship of particular features.
Example Instances
You can find a full list of example instances of the GISportal software at
The portal is composed of three parts. A web frontend written with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, a middleware written in Node.js, and a plotting and data extraction library written in Python that provides the analysis tools.
Web Frontend
Javascript source: src/
Javascript Libs: html/js-libs/
Our CSS: src/css/
Our Images: html/img/
HTML: src/index.html and src/templates/
Written in Node.js, the middleware facilitates communication between the backend OGC WxS services and the web frontend.
First Steps | Linux
Clone Repository
First we need to clone the repository, and pull in the submodules
git clone GISportal
cd GISportal
git submodule init
git submodule update
Install Dependencies
The following dependencies will need to be installed by your package manager (for example, yum). Some of the names may be different depending on your system, we use Fedora. Some may already be installed.
yum install nodejs npm redis ruby ruby-devel gdal libjpeg-turbo freetype-devel libpng-devel hdf5-devel \ netcdf-devel python-devel python-pip python-pillow-devel python-requests python-pandas python-jinja2
A note about numpy: Depending on your host OS and how up to date your package manager sources are you may need to update your version of numpy. For example, Centos7 currently has version 1.7.1, and Fedora 21 offers 1.8.2, however, there was a change to the way that masked arrays are handled that was introduced in version 1.8.3. You can check which version you have by running the following in Python:
import numpy npv = numpy.version.version print(npv)
This will give you the version number and the installation location. If you have version number < 1.8.3 you will need to delete the folder where it is installed and install via
which has a more recent version:pip install numpy
We also need to install all the required libraries. This can be done in a few ways, the easiest using pip. This will probably need sudo permissions.
pip install bokeh owslib shapely netCDF4
Build JavaScript/CSS
Install SASS
To compile the CSS for the project we use SASS. This relies on a ruby gem called sass.
sudo gem install sass
For production, JavaScript and CSS should be minifed; the application is configured to offer compressed files unless you tell it to use
mode. The build mechanism uses Grunt, which first needs to be installed.Make sure you have Grunt CLI tools
npm install -g grunt-cli
Install the Node.js application modules
npm install
To build in production mode; this uses minified javascript and CSS
To build in development mode; this uses uncompressed javascript and CSS that can easily be debugged
grunt dev
Start Redis
The application uses Redis to store information when the collaboration features are being used. This needs to be running in order for the application to start
systemctl enable redis systemctl start redis
Run the application
At this point you should have everything you need to start the application
node app.js
You can check the application is running by going to
This will give you basic functionality and the ability to add new WMS layers, but if you want to use the application's collaboration features and/or allow users to upload and save geometry files you will need to setup a configuration file... -
Creating a configuration file
The application configuration files are created in
and the easiest way to create one is to use the install script; run:./
and following the prompts to create a config file. The resulting config file will be created in
- you should keep a backup of this file. Have a look inconfig_examples/config.js
for additional optional configuration options that can be used to change the behviour of your version. -
On-going maintenance
During normal use of the application users can upload shape files, CSV files and various geometry files to identify their region of interest. Eventually, these are stored in
but whilst they are being uploaded and converted they are stored inuploads
. If the conversion to GeoJSON fails for any reason then the uploaded file is not deleted; you may want to periodcally delete everything from this folder.If a user requests a plot the resulting plot files are stored in
; this folder can grow to be very large and you may want to periodically delete things from this directory too. During the plot creation a netCDF file is created in/tmp
to holde the data for the requested area; these should be deleted regularly too.You could add a crontab entry to cover each of these tasks:
0 2 * * * find /path/to/GISporal/uploads/ -mtime +1 exec rm -rf {} \; 0 2 * * * find /path/to/GISporal/html/plots -mtime +1 exec rm -rf {} \; 0 2 * * * find /tmp -name "*.nc" -mtime +1 exec rm -rf {} \;
Additional Indicator Information
To give users more information, you can set up some markdown files that can be shown on indicators.
To do this you need to create a markdown folder inside the domain level site_settings
folder. Inside this folder you should create a folder for each of the layer tags that you want to describe further. Finally fill each tag folder with markdown files in the format:
where tag_value
is the lowercase value of the tag.
nginx Configuration
The collaboration features of the GISportal use websockets to communicate between server and browser. nginx offers really good support for websockets so this is the preferred and recommended web server software; other web servers may work but not fully.
An example nginx configuration would look like this:
server {
listen *:80;
location /. { ## Disable .htaccess and other hidden files
return 404;
location / {
try_files @uri @location_node;
location @location_node {
proxy_pass http://localhost:6789;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;
There is a Dockerfile that can be used to build a Docker image provided with this repository. See the [] file for full details of how to do this.
Alternatively, you can use the pre-built image that is available to download from the Docker Hub
docker pull pmlrsg/gisportal
Enabling basic GA
Go to config/config.js
and set
to true
to the tracking code of the project. Basic tracking is now enabled.
Setting up Custom Definations
For a deeper level of tracking custom definations needs to be setup. For this you need to go into the google analytics admin and select Custom Definitions under the property column.
Custom Dimensions
Start by clicking Custom Dimensions and creating a new custom dimesion labeled Indicator Name.
Procede to make this list IN THIS ORDER:
- Indicator Name
- Indicator ID
- Region
- Interval
- Elevation
- Layer Style
- Graph type
- Confidence
- Year
- Click Location
Custom Metrics In the left hand panel select Custom Metrics and again make the following in the same order:
- Used in graph
- Used in layer
If you had no previous metrics or dimensions installed and you added them in the listed order analytics is now setup.
Follow this section only if you already had custom metrics made or didnt make them in that order:
Each custom definiation has a unique[0-9][0-9]
for Custom Metrics
and cd[0-9][0-9]
for Custom Dimensions
Indexes can not be changed. The current config file was expecting the definition names to be next to certain indexes.
Go over each custom definition key in the config file and change it the one in your analytics account.
Currently mapped names:
#cd1 - Indicator Name
#cd2 - Indicator ID
#cd3 - Region
#cd4 - Interval
#cd5 - Elevation
#cd6 - Layer Style
#cd7 - Graph type
#cd8 - Confidence
#cd9 - Year
#cd10 - Click Location
#cd11 - Indicator Provider
#cm1 - Used in graph
#cm2 - Used in layer