Petar Mlinarić
Petar Mlinarić
For reference, an `LTIModel` can be $E x'(t) = A x(t) + B u(t)$, $y(t) = C x(t) + D u(t)$ (continuous-time) or $E x_{n + 1} = A x_n...
- frequency domain data: - [x] first-order interpolation by Loewner matrices, (#1952) - [x] bitangential Hermite interpolation by Loewner matrices, - [ ] Loewner framework for bilinear systems,...
For reference, an `LTIModel` can be $E \dot{x}(t) = A x(t) + B u(t)$, $y(t) = C x(t) + Du(t)$ (continuous-time) or $E x_{n + 1} = A x_n +...
For instance, in the GUI which pops out from `heat.ipynb`, moving the speed slider left, which feels like it should decrease the speed, actually increases the speed. Is this expected...
Currently, `NumpyMatrixOperator` supports NumPy arrays and SciPy sparse matrices. It would be good to also add support for [pydata/sparse]( arrays, as SciPy did in version 1.4.0.
It would be nice for pyMOR to have Q-DEIM (see section 2 and Matlab code at the end of page A639 in [1]). Unfortunately, as far as I can tell,...
- [x] `__add__`, `__sub__`, `__neg__`, `__mul__` (#658) - [ ] Gramians, [[JVM11]]( - [ ] $\mathcal{H}_2$ norm
`LinearStochasticModels` are very similar in form to `BilinearModels`, so methods in #396 could be used here, except transfer functions are not defined for stochastic systems, which doesn't allow interpolation-based methods....
- balancing-based methods: - [ ] Balanced Truncation by standard or truncated Gramians, [1] - interpolation-based methods: - [ ] Bilinear IRKA (BIRKA), [2] [1] [2]
Linear DAE (differential-algebraic, a.k.a. descriptor) systems take the same form as `LTIModels` (see #388), except the _E_ matrix is singular. Here are some references: [1] [2] [3]