WP-Custom-List-Table-With-Database-Example icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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A highly documented wordpress plugin that demonstrates how to create custom admin list-tables from database using WP_List_Table class.

=== Custom List Table With Database Example === Contributors: pmbaldha Tags: example, table, database, data, WP_List_Table, crud, admin, plugin, list table Donate link: https://github.com/pmbaldha/ Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.5.2 Stable tag: trunk License: GPL2 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

A highly documented plugin that demonstrates how to create custom admin list-tables from database using WP_List_Table class.

== Description == This plugin serves as a highly documented example of using WordPress's built-in WP_List_Table class with database CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for plugin development. This example serves to help clarify use of the WP_List_Table class with database for quickly and easily generating consistent, standardized, feature-rich list-tables for WordPress admin screens.

There are several great reasons to display your data in a list table like these: 1.Stays true to the WordPress core UI 2.Requires zero custom CSS 3.Takes less time to create than custom interfaces

For more information, please visit the WP_List_Tables page in the WordPress Codex.

== Installation == Just Install and Activate It

== Frequently Asked Questions == Is there any configuration require for this plugin? No

Is all features of this plugin completely free? Yes

Where can I get support? For support, please contact at [email protected]

Where can I report bug?= For reporting related bugs, please contact at [email protected].

== Screenshots ==

  1. Person List Table
  2. Add new person
  3. Edit Person

== Changelog == 0.1

  • Database CRUD Operations
  • Person Example

== Upgrade Notice == No need to upgrade, you only need to install plugin. This is first version of plugin