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Python module for the analysis of light curves from the ESA Cheops mission
OPTIMAL aperture removed in DRP14. See DRP report for further information.
Hi, I notice that the log rho in star properties is computed using the Moya 2018 relation with the spectroscopic logg listed in sweet-cat. Given that the spectroscopic log g...
For a couple of recent observations of TOI-1054 (CH_PR100024_TG012203_V0200) and TOI-1774 (CH_PR100024_TG015001_V0200) there appears to be subtle and not-so-subtle ramps to look similar to ramp-like features due to temperature changes... Hi, I was looking at this and wondering whether the original flux shouldn't be divided by the ramp trend instead of multiplied?
Hi Pierre, I have found that there is this line: ``` lc_fits.append(mod) ``` at line `1029` of the `` file. I cannot find the variable `lc_fits` in the ``, nor...
Dear @pmaxted I am currently working on a module called [pycdata](, which can accept/download lightcurves from other sources (mainly CHEOPS PSF photometry from [PIPE](, but also from TESS, Kepler/K2) and...
Dear Pierre, it would be interesting to implement a Dataset for the data coming from different telescope/mission, such as Kepler/K2 and TESS. SingleVisit: read fits or txt file with time,...
Fitting of EBLM transit with an all-zero smear array fitted dfdsmear as a decorrelation parameter with a significant Bayes factor. This in turn led to a MultiVisit MC fit with...
It would be good to have a function to save/load the current status of all the datasets grouped by a Multivisit "object". Besides the direct advantages to be able to...
Add Widely Applicable Information Criterion to output of emcee(?) fits