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Open SomeRandomGuy009 opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

from where did u get the ou_sets.json file, can't seem to find it in smogon website

SomeRandomGuy009 avatar Aug 13 '22 09:08 SomeRandomGuy009


SomeRandomGuy009 avatar Aug 13 '22 10:08 SomeRandomGuy009

ou_sets.json is suppose to be made from data scrapped from the showdown site, it is not a file that exists on smogon servers AFAIK. There is a default ou_sets.json in the repository

Also, your name of this issue is not helpful in the slightest, as it gives no information as to what your question is.

Finally there is no reason to tag the author of this repo, as either they will get notified of your post here, or they have notifications off for a reason.

I hope this is able to answer your question.

mitchellhumphrey avatar Aug 13 '22 14:08 mitchellhumphrey

Mitchell is correct. The data doesn't exist on smogon servers. The data comes from scraped teams from the forums as some other places.

pmariglia avatar Aug 13 '22 16:08 pmariglia