Pierre-Marie Padiou

Results 80 comments of Pierre-Marie Padiou

Have you considered using several distinct wallets ? You could do pretty much that. Granted, on a single phone that would require enabling gdrive backups which may be a no-go...

Pouvez-vous essayer de configurer electrum.acinq.co:50002 comme serveur Electrum ? (Menu > network info). Les serveurs Electrum ont pas mal de problèmes en ce moment, ceci peut expliquer cela. Quoiqu'il arrive...

@mikijone J'ai édité ton post et enlevé le lien mis en 2) car ce genre de site (même si celui-ci est honnête) est trop dangereux pour des utilisateurs novices qui...

> I also just reproduced this for a node that my LND node is directly connected to, BitcoinTshirt (039195c0969d69f9a25839cb44bd5e858bd9e3971638959f0e657bffa6692b43f1@ I first attempted to pay with Eclair through my LND node,...

@merehap knowing what route lnd took, and what route eclair attempted to use (using the screenshot like you did before) would help a lot. For example, if for some reason...

So you are that person who gives 1-star review to FOSS app because you don't have the convenience feature you like. Thank you for your support! Le mar. 3 mars...

Yes that's a bug, as a matter of fact we have just discovered it a week ago while working on trampoline routing. There was actually another related bug that we...

We don't have that information, unfortunately. BOLT7 `channel_announcement`s don't include the capacity, we would have to retrieve it from the blockchain for each channel, which is costly (note: those announcements...

Note that another way to look at the problem is for the receiver (which maybe runs on a server and has access to more data) to provides hints about what...

> route hints in invoice won't help much since you do not know the potential payers node Indeed the receiver can't provide a full route, those would just be landmarks...