Pierre-Marie Padiou
Pierre-Marie Padiou
That's a great idea. Google Drive is definitely a tradeoff (a pretty good one imho), and we designed the thing to allow multiple backends. @dpad85 is on vacation currently but...
@dpad85 ping
I'm not sure what you mean by this. In LN recovering a channel implies closing the channel.
Hi, @dpad85 is on vacation currently but he'll do that when he gets back
@sstone can we also watch random `scriptHash`es with Electrum Personal Server?
Thanks for the suggestion, WDYT @dpad85?
> Is there any update on this? Any word from the developers? It makes Eclair-Mobile pretty unusable even on Testnet. This is random. Testnet is typically less usable than mainnet,...
You could have imported your seed in a separate wallet (e.g. electrum) to check the ypub?
Hi, can you share the channel id?
After a first quick check, I don't see anything abnormal. Only one output of the [commitment tx](https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/main/txs/8482cf56561560ae000ba945655ddaebb1c6022803b8233225debd01da756458) hasn't been claimed (for 132015 sat), probably because it has not yet expired...