This Google groups thread describes it
I guessed it had to be PR_WRITTEN because at least that seems relevant, but thats at some random address. I assume on the ones that get loaded to ram (kim1...
It redirects to guide.html which redirects to guide.html.....
The symlink test fails because you have to be admin to run it and nobody works as an admin. I have seen this before so recognize the issue, for others...
Select with mouse (and kb) and a) see it highlighted b) get notified of the selection change c) be able to ask about the selected row, d) be able to...
Trying to preload ROM into a design. SO I tried this ``` SB_RAM40_4K ram40_4kinst_physical ( .RDATA(i_instruction), .RADDR(o_pc), .WADDR(), .MASK(), .WDATA(), .RCLKE(1'b1), .RCLK(CLK), .RE(1'b1), .WCLKE(1'b0), .WCLK(CLK), .WE(1'b0) ); defparam ram40_4kinst_physical.READ_MODE=0; defparam...
Windows, fresh install of everything; 'apio upload ' works fine ``` PS C:\work\nandland\go-board\Blinky> apio graph yosys -f verilog -p "show -format dot -colors 1 -prefix hardware Test" -q Blinky.v dot...
As part of me trying to sort out my scons issues I decided to reinstall apio etc. apio uninstall -a fails ``` PS C:\Users\paulm> apio uninstall -a Do you want...
simple fix to binary_search algorithm
Does several things to the build - uses only cmake, no dependency on 'make' - adds the tests to cmake, removing the need for shell scripts to run the tests...