目前在使用 Apple M1,现在已经能够运行 nacos 服务,分享下一些实践经验。 M1 使用 `zulu JDK` 编译会碰到如下错误,依赖关系为 `nacos -> jraft -> rocksdb5.x `,目前最新版的 `rocks6.x` 系列也暂未支持 M1 架构,但已有大神在尝试编译 mac 通用版本(x86 和 aarch64 通用),最近也有进度,见: ```shell librocksdbjni14096835716120570872.jnilib: mach-o, but wrong...
"i" is exactly an existing user of Github, user "i" will receive many unexpected messages when we type the `@i will solve it@` outside of the code block. Just a...
问题解决如下: $return = array( "__type" => "Date", "iso" => date("c", strtotime($params." UTC")) ); 把此处强制改为 $return = array( "__type" => "Date", "iso" => "2011-08-21T18:02:52.248Z" ); 进行测试 Output: stdClass Object ( [createdAt]...
`在AV.php 添加这两个函数` ``` // 把obj对象转换为数组 function JutransToArray($obj=''){ $array = array(); foreach ($obj as $field => $value) { if(is_object($value)){ if ($value->__type == "Date") { $array[$field] = JutransDate($value->iso); }else{ $array[$field] = $value->iso;...