PSOperations copied to clipboard
A framework for advanced NSOperations usage
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This library will now build using XCode 15. Solution: Remove deprecated completionBlock of add '@Sendable'. """ @available(*, deprecated, message: "use BlockObserver completions instead") override open var completionBlock: (@Sendable () ->...
This project does not build anymore with Carthage, which now build dependancy as xcframeworks looks like related to PSOperationsHealth create a Cartfile github "" "master" and run the command carthage...
I have a rather big code base that was using the the code based on the the WWDC presentation code. I recently discovered PSOperations and updated our code base using...
My app was crashing without telling me where. So I turned the Address Sanitizer on for the scheme. When the app crashed again, the breakpoint was pointing to the setter...
Hi, Have a question: I am trying to migrate from WWDC operations ported to swift customary to using PSOperations. however it seems like everywhere I have to use `PSOperationQueue()` explicitly...
I notice that in a GroupOperation, if you generate a new operation in the method `operationDidFinish(_ operation: Foundation.Operation, withErrors errors: [NSError])` using addOperation the `finished(_ errors: [NSError])` is not called...
PSOperations has always been a great framework. It was introduced to us as Advanced Operations from WWDC. From the beginning it helped a lot, however, we ran into bugs, the...