pocketbase copied to clipboard
[list] can't unmarshal response, err parsing time
[list] can't unmarshal response, err parsing time "2024-08-29 04:31:03.914Z" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00": cannot parse " 04:31:03.914Z" as "T"
full error: 2024/08/29 15:56:22 Application crashed: Error in handleArtists (Batch 1): error processing artist 000000001354226: failed to check for existing artist archives: [list] can't unmarshal response, err parsing time "2024-08-29 04:31:03.914Z" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00": cannot parse " 04:31:03.914Z" as "T"
code snippet:
existingArchives, err := artistArchiveCollection.List(pocketbase.ParamsList{
Filters: fmt.Sprintf("artist_id = '%s' && created > '%s'", artistID, lastModified),
Sort: "-created",
Size: 1,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to check for existing artist archives: %v", err)
ive been trying to fix this for a few days now and my only guess is its this api..
other possibly related snippets:
lastModified, err := parseTime(artist["last_modified"].(string))
func parseTime(timeStr string) (time.Time, error) {
scLayout := "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
adjustedLayout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999Z"
// sc format
t, err := time.Parse(scLayout, timeStr)
if err == nil {
// If successful, return the parsed time
return t, nil
// adjusted sc format
t, err = time.Parse(adjustedLayout, timeStr)
if err == nil {
return t, nil
// pb format
t, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, timeStr)
if err == nil {
return t, nil
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse time string: %s", timeStr)
if this is my fault im sorry i just dont know whats causing it anymore