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[WIP] Version 3.0

Open websupporter opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

This is a work in progress. I would be very happy if you could review the basic outline and give suggestions :heart:

This PR is based on some issues and discussions we had regarding the new plugin architecture. See for example #36

Antispam Bee 3.0

This document is supposed to outline the current approach, so we can discuss it.


Modular approach:

We want to get rid of our monolith AntispamBee class and instead have a more modular approach. What we hope to gain is

  1. Those modules (e.g. our filter) could be used from other plugins as well.
  2. Other plugins can easily add modules (new filter) to Antispam Bee.


Our monolith AntispamBee class can't be unit tested. We move from a Singleton approach to an approach, we can actually test using PHP Unit.


With a more modular approach, we hope to get a software, which is easier to understand, to read and ultimately to maintain.

Current status:

The current approach needs PHP7. This enables us to use type hinting and similar advantages of PHP7. As I guess, ASB3 will need quite a while until release, I could imagine, we will finish up the version just in the moment PHP7 is the min requirement for WordPress.

Anyway, I would like to continue using PHP7 while developing and if needed to downgrade later on to e.g. PHP 5.6, as with typehinting we can programme a more robust code, which - if needed - we could weaken later on.

The current proposal is a running plugin. The following checks are implemented:

  • Time
  • BBCode
  • Country
  • DBSpam

In order for you to install this plugin, you also have to do a composer install, so the missing vendor folder gets created and the autoloader works.

Coding Standards

I tried to follow the WordPress coding standards, except for file naming and I think class naming. There I follow PSR4 to use a quick autoloader. We can change that if we want.

I would like to emphasize: We should try to have return types and typehints for every function or method we declare. This might not always be possible, but should be the default.

Unit tests

So far, I just have converted small pieces. I think I have only written one test to set up the environment. We should aim for a good code coverage though, but first, I want to have some eyes checking the code and suggesting improvements to the general structure.


ASB3 basically consists out of Filter(). There are two types of filter: NoSpamFilter() and SpamFilter(). The first indicate, whether certain DataInterface is considered not to be spam, the second indicates spam.

Each filter needs to be registered. As some filter (see for example see TimeSpam-Filter) need preparation, this can be done through the register() method. For filter which need preparation, the idea is to create a specific Preparer for those filter and hand them over via the filter constructor. Take for example the TimeSpam-Filter. It needs to prepare another input field. So, we execute the preparer via TimeSpam->register() and this Preparer will now hook into 'comment_form' to add the according field. If you wanted to reuse the TimeSpam-Filter in another context (e.g. a contact form), you might need to hook into a different hook or do a completely different setup. In this case, you do not have to rewrite the whole filter, you can still reuse the filter but use a different Preparer.

Additionally, a filter returns an OptionInterface. This object contains the name and the description of the filter. It also enables for filter specific configurations. Take as an example the CountrySpam filter. In the settings, the user should be able to configure a country whitelist and a country blacklist.

With the help of the OptionInterface the filter can now access these information and we can update those information in the settings. Unit testing the options()-Method seems to be painful though, which indicates a lot of space for improvements.

Also with the FilterFactory I am not too happy yet.

How does the plugin work

It starts in 'plugins_loaded' and retrieves all active filter from the repository. First of all, it will register those, so the Preparer can do their work.

In the 'pre_comment_approved' filter, we construct our CommentData object, a CommentSpamHandler and a SpamChecker. The SpamChecker basically runs our CommentData through all active Filter and if those determine, a specific comment is spam, the plugin will execute the CommentSpamHandler and return 'spam' in the pre_comment_approved filter.

What does the CommentSpamHandler do?

ASB3 saves the spam reason, sends notifications, deletes a spam comment... Basically, depending on the settings, it executes different tasks, when spam has been detected. The idea of the CommentSpamHandler is, to do exactly this post processing (except for returning 'spam' in the pre_comments_approved-filter).

Therefore we have the PostProcessors. Log spam, delete spam, save spam reason etc. are all supposed to be single tasks, which execute() in the CommentSpamHandler if they are active.

The problem with the PostProcessors: In ASB2 we have a post processor, which basically performs die(). This way, the comment won't be saved. If we keep the PostProcessor architecture, the question is, how to handle this process. We can't die immediately, because this would mean, in case the logger is active and executed later, the logger wouldn't be executed.

Two thoughts: We could hook later to die, something like. This is basically the option, I did choose for now in RestInPeace:

public function execute(ReasonRepository $reason, DataInterface $data ) : bool {

    return false !== add_action('a-later-hook', function() { die(); };

but generally I do not like the idea of dying (its hard to unit test die()). Unfortunatly, I haven't found a nice way to not save the comment and not to die except for

add_filter('query', function($query) { 
    return ( $query !== SaveCommentQuery ) $query : '1=1';

or something like that. I haven't explored this path yet and what it means for hooks, which are fired further down the road. But this might be a way to circle around die().

A third option because of the "RestInPeace"-PostProcessor could be to to give it another status, to say, this process is not a PostProcessor. We have basically SpamPostProcessors (which are all executed before "RestInPeace") and SpamEntityPostProcessors (which would be executed after "RestInPeace" and in case, this "thing" would not be active). But this adds quite a lot of complexity, which is why I dislike this path.

Config, Options, Settings

To me, this is currently the least thought through part. A lot of filter and post processor have settings. So, we need to provide a way to set those settings and the filter needs to be able to access those settings. We need to design this API in a way third party extensions can be integrated in the ASB settings page in an aligned way.

How is this done? The Settings\Controller is currently in charge to render this page. As a dependency it has the Filter and PostProcessor repositories. Each filter and postprocessor provides an OptionsInterface. These Options provide a humanreadable name, a description, and if necessary setting FieldInterface. Depending on this object the Controller knows what to render (more precise: templates/admin/field.php as all HTML of the settings area is placed in template files in an attempt to seperate view from logic). Currently, we only have a TextField, but we could easily extend this and provide a SelectField, MultiSelectField and so on. Actually, I think the OptionsInterface should also provide the render method to gain real flexibility here.

This option provides also the current settings, so the filter or post processor can access them.

The current state is the Controller saves in a complicated action all settings in using the AntispamBeeConfig persist method. While I think there should be an AntispamBeeConfig which stores the information about active filters and post processors, I think the filter specific settings should be saved using the OptionInterface of the filter and extend this with a persist() method. If you compare the ConfigInterface and the OptionInterface, you see how similar those are, so I think, the OptionInterface actually is a ConfigInterface+.

But all this is not properly thought and fleshed out yet. I thought for now, I leave it as it is, as I want to show you the first scetch of the in my view most important part of the architecture, the filter and post processor interplay.

What is missing?

Basically everything.

Except for bringing the checks from ASB2 over to ASB3 and fleshing everything out we also need a neat UI/UX.

A problem for me with UX is currently also the RestInPeace option. There is no reason to save the "spam reason" if you do not save the spam comment. In ASB2, when you activate the feature, to rest_in_peace, options, which are only available if you save spam comments disappear in the settings. This is quite reasonable and would for me be an argument to treat the RestInPeace-PostProcessor on a different level than others (which I rejected above in order for reduced complexity). But maybe, we just decouple this Javascript feature from the underlying PHP architecture.

We also do have settings, which are outside of the filter/post_processor-flow, namely:

  • Do not check trackbacks/pingbacks
  • Comment form used outside of posts
  • Delete Antispam Bee data when uninstalling

Those need to be integrated into the plugin as well.

Translateable strings: I haven't copy&pasted the strings. This would be actually something, we should consider to save as much translated strings as possible during the transition. This won't be completely possible, I think, as for example, if you think of the RestInPeace as a post processor, its quite something different than the "Save spam to database" option, so also with a different wording.

websupporter avatar Dec 09 '19 08:12 websupporter

Sometimes filter can only work, when they have a post processor. Those should be provided by the filter and not be registered separately.

websupporter avatar Jan 04 '20 06:01 websupporter