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Go powered statusline generator


This program provides a simple configurable satatusline generator. It passes the formatted status line each time when callbacks from plugging is received.

Unlike conky, yags prints satatusline only when status really changed and not overloads disk with useless executions. By the way it is possible to configure plugins to implement the conky behavior of execution any command with constant pause.

Now it uses brand new golang's plugin system powered by plugin package. That mean, that this program would only work with go version newer or equal 1.8.


go get github.com/pltanton/yags


If you use conky or dzen you could pass yags output to them through pipe, for example:

yags /path/to/config.yml | dzen2 -x '866' -w '496' -ta 'r'


Plugins is a go modules which provides callbacks when related to them action is appears and provides formatted result of that action to yags output. There are several implemented plugins:

  • [x] battery -- uses upower dbus messages to monitor battery device
  • [x] kbdd -- uses kbdd daemon to watch for keyboard layout
  • [x] timer -- conky like plugin to execute any shell command with pause it includes predefined plugins for WiFi and time monitoring
  • [x] maildir -- monitors new maildir dirrectory changing for new mails
  • [x] volume -- uses alsalib to monitor volume changing and pamixer program to fetch an volume and a mute state, would be overwritten with pulselib in future
  • [ ] cpu -- alias for timer for cpu monitoring
  • [ ] ram -- alias for timer for ram monitoring

How to use

After you download a plugin via go get or any other way, you should build it as go plugin by go build -buildmode=plugin as documented in official golang docpage. As a result of building you should have a binary file ended by .so in working directory. Then you should pass path to that file by path plugin's configuration attribute (you can see it in config.example.yml).

How to implement custom plugin



You can configure yags by an any configuration file format, which viper supports and pass configuration file path as a first argument to yags command.

Exapmle of configuration you can find in root of this repository or in my dotfiles repository.

At the root of configuration file it few basic configuration fields:

Key Description Default value
varSeps symbols pair to wrap variables {}
format string which would be formatted, you should use wrapped plugins names by varSeps to display plugin's output. Only if plugin passed to format it would be triggered.
plugins subtree of configuration, where each plugin should be described


Each plugin in plugin section should contain path key to specify go's plugin path to include.

YAGS will pass configuration subtree related to plugin into plugin, for information about configuration plugin in specific plugin page.