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Version 1.0 tracking issue

Open mfreeborn opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

This is a stub issue to track what is necessary to release a 1.0 version.

I'll be adding to this over time to show what has been implemented and what still needs doing before we can call it a 1.0 release.

Chart types

Basic Charts

  • [x] Scatter
  • [x] Line
  • [x] Bar
  • [ ] Pie
  • [x] Bubble
  • [x] Dot
  • [ ] Filled area
  • [ ] Sunburst
  • [x] Sankey
  • [ ] Point Cloud
  • [ ] Treemaps
  • [x] Tables

Statistical Charts

  • [x] Box
  • [x] Histograms
  • [ ] 2D density
  • [ ] Violin
  • [ ] Parallel Categories
  • [ ] Splom

Scientific Charts

  • [x] Contour
  • [x] Heatmaps
  • [ ] Ternary
  • [ ] Parallel Coordinates
  • [ ] Log
  • [x] Scatter polar
  • [ ] Bar polar
  • [ ] Carpet
  • [ ] Contour carpet

Financial Charts

  • [ ] Waterfall
  • [ ] Indicator
  • [x] Candlestick
  • [ ] Funnel
  • [ ] Funnel area
  • [x] OHLC


  • [ ] Density heatmap
  • [ ] Choropleth
  • [ ] Scatter geo
  • [x] Scatter mapbox

3D Charts

  • [x] Scatter
  • [x] Surface
  • [x] Mesh
  • [ ] Cone
  • [ ] Streamtube
  • [ ] Isosurface


  • [ ] Make the library panic-safe by replacing unwrap() and expect with Result (#33)


  • [x] Wasm support (complete as of v0.8.0)
  • [ ] Sliders


  • [x] Add code coverage

mfreeborn avatar Sep 27 '22 07:09 mfreeborn