plotly.R copied to clipboard
HTML closing tags are weirdly escaped in plotly json
When using plotly.R to produce json of a plot containing HTML, e.g. a bold tag, the closing tag's slash gets weirdly escaped, producing malformed HTML. (Somehow the Plotly FE still manages to render the HTML.) Python's plotly does not do the same escaping.
Note the "values": ["<b>A<\/b>", "<b>B<\/b>"]"
below - I'd expect "values": ["<b>A</b>", "<b>B</b>"]
> library(plotly)
> fig <- plot_ly(
type = 'table',
header = list(values = c("<b>A</b>", "<b>B</b>") ),
cells = list(values = rbind(1,1)))
> plotly_json(fig, jsonedit = FALSE)
"visdat": {
"70ec6031022f": ["function () ", "plotlyVisDat"]
"cur_data": "70ec6031022f",
"attrs": {
"70ec6031022f": {
"header": {
"values": ["<b>A<\/b>", "<b>B<\/b>"]
"cells": {
"values": [
"alpha_stroke": 1,
"sizes": [10, 100],
"spans": [1, 20],
"type": "table"
"layout": {
"margin": {
"b": 40,
"l": 60,
"t": 25,
"r": 10
"hovermode": "closest",
"showlegend": false
"source": "A",
"config": {
"showSendToCloud": false
"data": [
"header": {
"values": ["<b>A<\/b>", "<b>B<\/b>"]
"cells": {
"values": [
"type": "table",
"frame": null
"highlight": {
"on": "plotly_click",
"persistent": false,
"dynamic": false,
"selectize": false,
"opacityDim": 0.2,
"selected": {
"opacity": 1
"debounce": 0
"shinyEvents": ["plotly_hover", "plotly_click", "plotly_selected", "plotly_relayout", "plotly_brushed", "plotly_brushing", "plotly_clickannotation", "plotly_doubleclick", "plotly_deselect", "plotly_afterplot", "plotly_sunburstclick"],
"base_url": ""
compared to python - note the "values":["<b>A</b>","<b>B</b>"
>>> import plotly
>>> import plotly.graph_objects as go
>>> fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Table(header=dict(values=['<b>A</b>', '<b>B</b>']), cells=dict(values=[[1], [1]]))])