jupyter-dash icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jupyter-dash copied to clipboard

What are the specific dependencies of Jupyter Dash?

Open usmcamp0811 opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

I am having a really fun time trying to get Jupyter Dash working in my Jupyter Hub configuration. It would seem that I have some incompatible packages, and I don't know which versions I should change.

My Python environment running my JupyerLab instance has these packages:

Package                           Version
--------------------------------- -----------
absl-py                           1.2.0
aiohttp                           3.8.1
aiosignal                         1.2.0
alembic                           1.8.1
ansi2html                         1.8.0
ansiwrap                          0.8.4
anyio                             3.6.1
argon2-cffi                       21.3.0
argon2-cffi-bindings              21.2.0
arrow                             1.2.2
astroid                           2.12.5
async-generator                   1.10
async-timeout                     4.0.2
attrs                             22.1.0
autopep8                          1.6.0
Babel                             2.10.3
backcall                          0.2.0
beautifulsoup4                    4.11.1
binaryornot                       0.4.4
black                             21.12b0
bleach                            5.0.1
bokeh                             2.4.3
Brotli                            1.0.9
cachetools                        4.2.4
certifi                           2022.6.15
certipy                           0.1.3
cffi                              1.15.1
chardet                           5.0.0
charset-normalizer                2.1.1
click                             8.1.3
cloudpickle                       2.1.0
cmake                             3.24.1
colorama                          0.4.5
configparser                      5.3.0
cookiecutter                      2.1.1
cryptography                      37.0.4
cycler                            0.11.0
Cython                            0.29.32
dash                              2.6.1
dash-core-components              2.0.0
dash-html-components              2.0.0
dash-table                        5.0.0
dask                              2021.12.0
debugpy                           1.6.3
decorator                         5.1.1
defusedxml                        0.7.1
Deprecated                        1.2.13
deprecation                       2.1.0
docstring-parser                  0.14.1
elyra                             3.10.1
elyra-examples-kfp-catalog        0.1.0
entrypoints                       0.4
ERAlchemy                         1.2.10
fastjsonschema                    2.16.1
fire                              0.4.0
flake8                            4.0.1
Flask                             2.2.2
Flask-Compress                    1.12
fonttools                         4.37.1
frozenlist                        1.3.1
fsspec                            2022.8.1
gitdb                             4.0.9
GitPython                         3.1.27
google-api-core                   2.8.2
google-api-python-client          1.12.11
google-auth                       1.35.0
google-auth-httplib2              0.1.0
google-cloud-core                 2.3.2
google-cloud-storage              1.44.0
google-crc32c                     1.3.0
google-resumable-media            2.3.3
googleapis-common-protos          1.56.4
httplib2                          0.20.4
idna                              3.3
importlib-metadata                4.12.0
iniconfig                         1.1.1
ipykernel                         6.15.2
ipympl                            0.8.0
ipython                           7.32.0
ipython-genutils                  0.2.0
ipywidgets                        7.7.2
isort                             5.10.1
itsdangerous                      2.1.2
jedi                              0.18.1
Jinja2                            3.1.2
jinja2-time                       0.2.0
json5                             0.9.10
jsonschema                        3.2.0
jupyter                           1.0.0
jupyter-bokeh                     3.0.2
jupyter_client                    7.3.5
jupyter-console                   6.4.4
jupyter-core                      4.11.1
jupyter-dash                      0.3.1
jupyter-lsp                       1.5.1
jupyter_packaging                 0.12.3
jupyter-resource-usage            0.6.2
jupyter-server                    1.18.1
jupyter-server-mathjax            0.2.6
jupyter-server-proxy              3.2.1
jupyter-telemetry                 0.1.0
jupyterhub                        1.5.0
jupyterlab                        3.4.3
jupyterlab-code-cell-collapser    1.0.0
jupyterlab-execute-time           2.0.5
jupyterlab-geojson                3.2.0
jupyterlab-git                    0.32.2
jupyterlab-lsp                    3.8.1
jupyterlab-pygments               0.2.2
jupyterlab_server                 2.15.1
jupyterlab-sql                    1.1.2
jupyterlab-system-monitor         0.8.0
jupyterlab-tabular-data-editor    1.0.0
jupyterlab-topbar                 0.6.1
jupyterlab-tour                   3.1.4
jupyterlab-widgets                1.1.1
kfp                               1.8.13
kfp-pipeline-spec                 0.1.16
kfp-server-api                    1.8.4
kfp-tekton                        1.2.3
kiwisolver                        1.4.4
kubernetes                        18.20.0
lazy-object-proxy                 1.7.1
lckr-jupyterlab-variableinspector 3.0.9
locket                            1.0.0
lxml                              4.9.1
Mako                              1.2.2
MarkupSafe                        2.1.1
matplotlib                        3.5.3
matplotlib-inline                 0.1.6
mccabe                            0.6.1
minio                             7.1.11
mistune                           2.0.4
multidict                         6.0.2
mypy-extensions                   0.4.3
nbclassic                         0.3.7
nbclient                          0.6.7
nbconvert                         7.0.0
nbdime                            3.1.1
nbformat                          5.4.0
nest-asyncio                      1.5.5
networkx                          2.8.6
nose                              1.3.7
notebook                          6.4.12
notebook-shim                     0.1.0
numpy                             1.23.2
oauthlib                          3.2.0
packaging                         21.3
pamela                            1.0.0
pandas                            1.4.4
pandocfilters                     1.5.0
papermill                         2.4.0
parso                             0.8.3
partd                             1.3.0
pathspec                          0.10.0
pexpect                           4.8.0
pickleshare                       0.7.5
Pillow                            9.2.0
pip                               22.2.2
platformdirs                      2.5.2
plotly                            5.10.0
pluggy                            1.0.0
prometheus-client                 0.14.1
prompt-toolkit                    3.0.30
protobuf                          3.20.1
psutil                            5.9.1
psycopg2                          2.9.3
ptyprocess                        0.7.0
py                                1.11.0
pyasn1                            0.4.8
pyasn1-modules                    0.2.8
pycodestyle                       2.8.0
pycparser                         2.21
pydantic                          1.10.1
pydocstyle                        6.1.1
pydot                             1.4.2
pyflakes                          2.4.0
PyGithub                          1.55
Pygments                          2.13.0
pygraphviz                        1.10
PyJWT                             2.4.0
pylint                            2.15.0
pymssql                           2.2.5
PyNaCl                            1.5.0
pyodbc                            4.0.34
pyOpenSSL                         22.0.0
pyparsing                         3.0.9
pyrsistent                        0.18.1
pytest                            6.2.5
python-dateutil                   2.8.2
python-gitlab                     3.9.0
python-json-logger                2.0.4
python-lsp-jsonrpc                1.0.0
python-lsp-server                 1.5.0
python-slugify                    6.1.2
pytz                              2022.2.1
PyYAML                            5.4.1
pyzmq                             23.2.1
qtconsole                         5.3.2
QtPy                              2.2.0
requests                          2.28.1
requests-oauthlib                 1.3.1
requests-toolbelt                 0.9.1
retrying                          1.3.3
rfc3986-validator                 0.1.1
rope                              1.1.1
rsa                               4.9
ruamel.yaml                       0.17.21
ruamel.yaml.clib                  0.2.6
scipy                             1.9.1
seaborn                           0.11.2
Send2Trash                        1.8.0
setuptools                        63.4.1
setuptools-scm                    6.4.2
simpervisor                       0.4
six                               1.16.0
smmap                             5.0.0
sniffio                           1.2.0
snowballstemmer                   2.2.0
soupsieve                         2.3.2.post1
SQLAlchemy                        1.3.24
strip-hints                       0.1.10
tabulate                          0.8.10
tenacity                          8.0.1
termcolor                         1.1.0
termcolor-whl                     1.1.2
terminado                         0.15.0
text-unidecode                    1.3
textwrap3                         0.9.2
tini                              3.0.1
tinycss2                          1.1.1
toml                              0.10.2
tomli                             1.2.3
tomlkit                           0.11.4
toolz                             0.12.0
tornado                           6.2
tqdm                              4.64.0
traitlets                         5.3.0
typer                             0.6.1
typing_extensions                 4.3.0
ujson                             5.4.0
uritemplate                       3.0.1
urllib3                           1.26.12
watchdog                          2.1.9
wcwidth                           0.2.5
webencodings                      0.5.1
websocket-client                  1.4.0
Werkzeug                          2.2.2
whatthepatch                      1.0.2
wheel                             0.37.1
widgetsnbextension                3.6.1
wrapt                             1.14.1
xlrd                              1.2.0
yapf                              0.32.0
yarl                              1.8.1
yaspin                            2.2.0
zipp                              3.8.1

I get this error when I try to run JupyterDash.infer_jupyter_proxy_config()

     18 if IPython.get_ipython() is not None:
     19     if _dash_comm.kernel is not None:
---> 20         _caller["parent"] = _dash_comm.kernel.get_parent()
     21         _dash_comm.send({
     22             'type': 'base_url_request'
     23         })

AttributeError: 'IPythonKernel' object has no attribute 'get_parent'

Which makes be believe that maybe my ipython version is incompatible.. Now I am able to launch the Dashboard but get a bunch of 404 errors when I try to access it through jupyter-server-proxy. It looks like the dashboard isn't getting the updated proxy path.

Any guidance would be much appreciated...


usmcamp0811 avatar Sep 01 '22 16:09 usmcamp0811

Here is some context: https://github.com/plotly/jupyter-dash/issues/87

Since you mentioned JupyterHub - I would recommend Jupyter Dash for personal use, but not a deployment or any kind of distribution: https://github.com/plotly/jupyter-dash/issues/33

aiqc avatar Sep 01 '22 16:09 aiqc

'IPythonKernel' object has no attribute 'get_parent' has been reported before but we haven't been able to pin down where it's coming from - that said there's a potential fix we could add - see discussion https://github.com/plotly/jupyter-dash/commit/9c6e668813738d42914af06e0e8da8a826cbe988#r70664598

alexcjohnson avatar Sep 01 '22 19:09 alexcjohnson