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Dash / React + D3 tutorial: Sunburst diagrams
Please note: this package is intended as a tutorial. It is not recommended for actual use in your apps - for that purpose we have the sunburst trace type in plotly.js / dcc.Graph https://plotly.com/python/sunburst-charts/
Dash Sunburst
This repository demonstrates the principles of combining D3 with React, using a Sunburst chart as an example, and was created from the dash-component-boilerplate
template. The Demo uses this Sunburst
component to show the contents of a house, with items being added, removed, and resized over time, and letting you zoom in and out of the rooms and items both from within the component itself and from another control.
This component was created primarily as a D3.JS + Dash tutorial. You can use this component in your projects but we are not maintaining it. In fact, we built a first-class Sunburst chart as part of plotly.js and we recommend using this sunburst chart instead: https://plot.ly/python/sunburst-charts/
To run the Dash demo:
- Clone this repo
- Run the demo app
python usage.py
- Open your web browser to http://localhost:8050
Code walkthrough - JavaScript side
Following the structure laid out in the D3 + React tutorial we make two files: d3/sunburst.js
for the D3 component and components/Sunburst.react.js
for its React/Dash wrapper. Following the dash-component-boilerplate
example, this component is then exported using index.js
which is imported by the main component in App.js
This wrapper simply connects the React component API to the similar structures we create in the D3 component. Excerpting from this file out of order, we see:
Sunburst.propTypes = {
* id and setProps are standard for Dash components
id: PropTypes.string,
setProps: PropTypes.func,
* All the rest are the state of the figure. See the full source for details
width: PropTypes.number,
height: PropTypes.number,
padding: PropTypes.number,
innerRadius: PropTypes.number,
transitionDuration: PropTypes.number,
data: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
dataVersion: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),
selectedPath: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
interactive: PropTypes.bool
In addition to the standard id
and setProps
props, we insert all the state needed by the D3 component as props of the React wrapper. This gives us type validation - for the most part anyway; this example doesn't validate the structure of data
, nor put limits on the numeric fields, but a more production-ready version may want to do this. Note in particular the dataVersion
prop. We will use this to avoid having to copy - and diff - the entire data
object, which may be large and tedious. Also selectedPath
, which is connected to the state of the user interaction with the sunburst, as different parts of the subtree are selected. interactive
lets you disable click-to-select nodes, when you want that managed elsewhere.
render() {
return <div id={this.props.id} ref={el => {this.el = el}} />;
In render
we just create an empty <div>
and store a reference to it in this.el
componentDidMount() {
this.sunburst = new SunburstD3(this.el, this.props, figure => {
const {setProps} = this.props;
const {selectedPath} = figure;
if (setProps) { setProps({selectedPath}); }
else { this.setState({selectedPath}); }
instantiates our D3 component, giving it the element to render into, the props for initial render (it will ignore the Dash-specific ones), and a callback to respond to changes from inside that component. A more complex component might emit a variety of events depending on different user interactions, but in the end all that really matters is the current state of the component, not what specifically changed with this event. Here we know the only thing that changed is selectedPath
but it would be just as well to call setProps(figure)
no matter what event was emitted.
componentDidUpdate() {
Whenever the React component gets new props, it simply forwards them on to the D3 component.
We don't need to know anything about the D3 component in order to use the Sunburst
React component in our app - just what's encapsulated in the Sunburst
component itself:
constructor() {
this.state = {
transitionDuration: 1000,
selectedPath: ['living room'],
dataVersion: 1,
data: {
this.setProps = this.setProps.bind(this);
this.mutateData = this.mutateData.bind(this);
this.period = 3;
this.updateInterval = setInterval(this.mutateData, 1000 * this.period);
In the App
constructor we start with a seed state for the Sunburst
- because this is a simple app where everything is related to that Sunburst
, its state is stored in the top level of App.state
, but a more complex app would nest it. We also initialize the interval that will periodically edit the data. We don't need to be concerned with the mutateData
method, except to know that all it does is call this.setState({data: updatedData})
render() {
const {data, selectedPath} = this.state;
const selectedPathStr = selectedPath.join(',');
const paths = getPathStrs(data, '');
const options = paths.map(path => (
<option value={path} key={path}>
{path.split(',').join('->') || 'root'}
const selectChange = e => {
this.setState({selectedPath: e.target.value.split(',')})
return (
<h2>Sunburst Demo</h2>
<p>Click a node, or select it in the dropdown, to select a subtree.</p>
<p>Every {this.period} seconds a node will be added, removed, resized, or renamed</p>
<select value={selectedPathStr} onChange={selectChange}>
renders some introductory notes, our Sunburst
component, and a dropdown menu that pulls the complete list of paths out of the same state that's used by the Sunburst
. You'll notice that whether we select an item by clicking on it directly or via this dropdown, both the dropdown and the Sunburst
Finally, here's the D3 code, all contained in a class we export as SunburstD3
constructor(el, figure, onChange) {
const self = this;
self.update = self.update.bind(self);
self._update = self._update.bind(self);
self.svg = d3.select(el).append('svg');
self.pathGroup = self.svg.append('g');
self.textGroup = self.svg.append('g')
.style('pointer-events', 'none');
self.angularScale = d3.scale.linear().range([0, Tau]);
self.radialScale = d3.scale.sqrt();
self.colorScale = d3.scale.category20();
self.partition = d3.layout.partition()
.value(d => !d.children && d.size)
.sort((a, b) => a.i - b.i);
self.arc = d3.svg.arc()
.startAngle(d => constrain(self.angularScale(d.x), 0, Tau))
.endAngle(d => constrain(self.angularScale(d.x + d.dx), 0, Tau))
.innerRadius(d => Math.max(0, self.radialScale(d.y)))
.outerRadius(d => Math.max(0, self.radialScale(d.y + d.dy)));
self.figure = {};
self.onChange = onChange;
self.initialized = false;
self._promise = Promise.resolve();
Our constructor does 3 things:
- Creates the container elements that we'll need no matter what specific diagram we render inside:
is the<svg>
will contain the sunburst arcs, andself.textGroup
will hold text, added as a separate group so the text will always be in front of the arcs. - Pre-calculates d3 helpers that won't change later (
) - Sends the initial figure to
. There's also a bit of complication around updating potentially during animations.self._promise
is a chain that's added on to whenever a new animation is scheduled, andself.update
is an async wrapper around the synchronousself._update
, ensuring a new figure is applied only after that chain is complete.
is the meat, so we'll tackle it in pieces:
Figure setup
const oldFigure = self.figure;
// fill defaults in the new figure
const width = figure.width || dflts.width;
const height = figure.height || dflts.height;
// interactive: undefined defaults to true
const interactive = figure.interactive !== false;
const padding = figure.padding || dflts.padding;
const innerRadius = figure.innerRadius || dflts.innerRadius;
const transitionDuration = figure.transitionDuration || dflts.transitionDuration;
const {data, dataVersion} = figure;
const selectedPath = figure.selectedPath || [];
const newFigure = self.figure = {
Here we stash the previous figure as oldFigure
and create a new one, inserting default values where values were not provided.
Next comes functions containing our standard D3 code (which was inspired by https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4348373 but has been heavily modified, as you can see. Notice that I'm using D3V3 here so some things will change if you're using V4 or V5), but we've broken up the activity by purpose, transitionToNode
, updatePaths
, and setSize
. We'll use these depending on the observed changes. The only items I want to call out within this block are
is used in theclick
callback for our nodes (wrapped up with animation management code). - At the end of
is the block:
if(self.onChange) {
self.figure.selectedPath = getPath(node);
So when this is called on a click, it updates the figure
and we pass it back up the React chain of command. But it's also called during drawing, in which case the figure we pass back up will be the same one we just received. Which makes the next section extremely important...
const change = diff(oldFigure, newFigure);
if(!change) { return; }
const sizeChange = change.width || change.height || change.padding;
const dataChange = change.data;
We compare the old and new figures to determine what changed. Here we're concerned with three things:
- Are there any changes at all? If not, we can bail out now, without running any DOM manipulations. This will happen regularly due to
as described above. - Did the size of the figure change? If so there are more extensive things we need to do, that will require updating the size and position of all our paths and text elements.
- Did the data change? Inside
we look fordataVersion
, and if we find it we skip comparingdata
itself between the old and new figures, instead reporting changes indataVersion
There can be other changes that lead to a truthy change
without setting either sizeChange
or dataChange
- such as innerRadius
and selectedPath
, and in general if we added styling properties (colors, line widths, font sizes...) they would fall into this category too. Those can follow the minimal update pathway below.
if(sizeChange) { setSize(); }
let paths = self.pathGroup.selectAll('path');
let texts = self.textGroup.selectAll('text');
if(dataChange) {
// clone data before partitioning, since this mutates the data
self.nodes = self.partition.nodes(addIndices(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))));
paths = paths.data(self.nodes, getPathStr);
texts = texts.data(self.nodes, getPathStr);
// exit paths at the beginning of the transition
// enters will happen at the end
const selectedNode = getNode(self.nodes[0], selectedPath);
// no node: path is wrong, probably because we received a new selectedPath
// before the data it belongs with
if(!selectedNode) { return retVal; }
// immediate redraw rather than transition if:
const shouldAnimate =
// first draw
self.initialized &&
// new root node
(newRootName === oldRootName) &&
// not a pure up/down transition
sameHead(oldSelectedPath, newSelectedPath) &&
// the previous data didn't contain the new selected node
// this can happen if we transition selectedPath first, then data
(!dataChange || getNode(oldFigure.data, newSelectedPath));
console.log(shouldAnimate, oldSelectedPath, newSelectedPath);
if(shouldAnimate) {
retVal = new Promise(resolve => {
.each('end', () => {
updatePaths(paths, texts, dataChange);
self.transitioning = false;
else {
// first draw has no animation, and initializes the scales
updatePaths(paths, texts, dataChange);
self.initialized = true;
If the size and data did not change, all we do is select the paths and texts, find the selected node, transition to it, and, upon finishing that transition, update the paths - and updatePaths
knows about dataChange
so it can skip the enter()
The logic for whether the state transition is amenable to animation or not is handled here, in shouldAnimate
. This is important for Dash - and for React integration in general - because it means this is the only place we need to worry about edge detection. Dash apps are stateless, so it's particularly tricky to determine this on the Python side, and React apps are best written the same way as far down the tree as possible. D3 to a certain extent can work similarly, but for finer control we explicitly calculate what kind of change has been made and tell D3 whether to animate.
Now lets open the JavaScript demo environment:
npm run start
Lo and behold, we have a zoomable sunburst chart, connected to changing data and sibling UI controls, drawn with D3 and React :tada: There are of course bits of polish to be added if this component were to be used in production - shrinking or removing text that's too big for its arc, and creating style props, for example, and nicer tooltips than the built-in <title>
elements. But the principles are the same.
Code Walkthrough - Python side
makes it super easy to connect the React component we just made to Python. As in its README, run:
npm run build:js-dev
npm run build:py
For these build steps to run without warnings, the lib/components
directory should contain only React components, which is why we moved the D3 code into its own directory, lib/d3
. Now we can use the component in our Dash app usage.py
from dash_sunburst import Sunburst
We'll make a simple app using this component: Feeding some static data to the component, we'll display the selected path elsewhere, and create a plotly.js graph that calculates some statistics based on the displayed data and selected path. First the static data and the app layout:
sunburst_data = { ... }
app.layout = html.Div([
[Sunburst(id='sun', data=sunburst_data)],
style={'width': '49%', 'display': 'inline-block', 'float': 'left'}),
style={'width': '49%', 'display': 'inline-block', 'float': 'left'}),
html.Div(id='output', style={'clear': 'both'})
Our Sunburst
component doesn't support style
, so we wrap it in an html.Div
. The Graph
and Div#output
are initially blank, but our callbacks will fill them in on load. The content of these callbacks is straightforward Python - check out usage.py
for the complete code - the key is simply to identify the dependencies of each one using the @app.callback
@app.callback(Output('output', 'children'), [Input('sun', 'selectedPath')])
def display_selected(selected_path):
# format the selected path for display as text
@app.callback(Output('graph', 'figure'), [Input('sun', 'data'), Input('sun', 'selectedPath')])
def display_graph(data, selected_path):
# crawl the sunburst data, along with its selected path,
# to create the related plotly.js graph
And that's it! python usage.py
gives us our D3 sunburst diagram, connected through Dash to whatever else we choose.
Further examples expanding on server-side updates can be found in usage_backend_update_via_controls.py
and usage_backend_update_via_selections.py
More Resources
- Learn more about Dash: https://dash.plot.ly
- View the original component boilerplate: https://github.com/plotly/dash-component-boilerplate