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Improve SEO with `html_meta` directive.

Open stevepiercy opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

All files now have placeholders for content to be added to the html_meta tags.


  • [x] Volto
  • [x] plone.api
  • [x] plone.restapi
  • [ ] backend
  • [ ] Classic UI

stevepiercy avatar Jan 19 '22 22:01 stevepiercy

Volto has been completed.

stevepiercy avatar Apr 06 '22 05:04 stevepiercy

plone.restapi has been completed in

stevepiercy avatar Apr 23 '22 11:04 stevepiercy

done: plone.api

ksuess avatar May 27 '22 08:05 ksuess