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whitespace stripped from between inline elements

Open adrianwhite opened this issue 10 years ago • 0 comments

If you have two inline html elements one after another Diazo will strip the whitespace from between them. E.g.

<img src="/bah"/> <span>Foo</span> 

after passing through Diazo the space is stripped, there will be no space between the image and 'Foo'.

This occurs everywhere in Plone's interface when using custom content types, e.g. the add new menu in the edit bar, the folder contents view, the related content browser overlays.

This of course is not just restricted to use of custom content types it is anywhere in your templates that you use multiple sibling inline html elements.

screen shot 2013-11-11 at 12 35 52

screen shot 2013-11-11 at 12 35 24

adrianwhite avatar Nov 11 '13 12:11 adrianwhite