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AMS online bibliographic links
The AMSBIB package has special commands for several online bibliographic systems. It would be good to somehow support all these in BibLaTeX, to avoid the alternative of a big messy URL.
See "Short user’s guide to the AMSBIB package", Table 2,
- \crossref{...} DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
- \mathnet{...}Math-Net.Ru (Russian mathematical portal)
- \mathscinet{...} MathSciNet (Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society)
- \zmath{...} zbMATH (Zentralblatt MATH abstracting and reviewing system)
- \adsnasa{...} ADS NASA (Astrophysics Data System)
- \isi{...} Web of Science by Thompson Reuters
I don't know if these fit the BibLaTeX eprint mechanism, as they aren't really for a URL resolution system.
For example, I have used this declaration
so that a bibliography entry containing fields
eprint = "dan/v329/i5/p547",
eprinttype = {mathnet},
produces a URL
but in the PDF it is displayed as
Note that in the case of MathNet, the string eng/
in the URL brings up English descriptive information, while rus/
brings up Russian.