biblatex-apa copied to clipboard
APA style for BibLaTeX
**Description** The localisation of APA7 by Tilburg University [uses American-style quotes](, that also incorporate trailing punctuation. I have tried to reproduce the example from their guide as the minimal working...
When citing multiple works of the same author and same year. Instead of displaying the in-text citation (`\autocites[pp. 10-11]{NetflixInc.2002NetflixReport}[pp. 10-11]{NetflixInc.2003NetflixReport}[pp. 11-12]{NetflixInc.2004NetflixReport}`) like this: > (Netflix Inc., 2002, p. 10-11, 2003,...
Hi, somehow, when using @ article in a beamer presentation there is no space between the title entry and the dot separating the year entry and the title. This is...
For volumes of multi-volume books that have a volume title and a maintitle, the volume number is listed twice (and italicized both times): > Kiparsky, V. (1979). _Russian historical grammar....
Hi, I've noticed a grammatical error when using the Finnish language and specifying an urldate. Take this example: ``` @online{test, author = {An Author}, title = {This is the title},...
I'm trying to make an inbook reference with several authors, in which the first one is a chair, but I can't print properly the role. When I put `author+an:role =...
In the process of updating a Stack Exchange answer, I noticed that the `legislation` type didn't show a suffix for the second reference (the one using the `legislation` type), as...
As mentioned on [TeX.SE](, the delimiters are missing if an `@misc` contains multiple entries in the `organization` field. This may be due to line `548` in `apa.bbx` where the list...
I would like to cite a conference abstract within the biblatex-apa style but the german output of the time period of the conference seems to be wrong. It is `(2020,...
When generating references list for theses, [this line]( wrongly outputs the location data as well: ```tex \usebibmacro{location+publisher}% ``` [APA 7th doesn't allow for this]( So, it should instead be: ```tex...