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Static Site Generator with Go backend and Svelte frontend


Static Site Generator with Go backend and Svelte frontend


~~You must have NodeJS version 13 or newer~~ As of v0.2.0 you no longer need NodeJS, Go, or any dependency other than Plenti itself.

Installation :floppy_disk:


  1. Add the tap: brew tap plentico/homebrew-plenti
  2. Install: brew install plenti


  1. Install: snap install plenti

Scoop (Windows is not supported yet, see details):

  1. Add the bucket: scoop bucket add plenti
  2. Install: scoop install plenti


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Move it somewhere in your PATH (most likely /usr/local/bin)

Getting Started :rocket:

  1. Create a new site: plenti new site my-new-site
  2. Move into the folder you created: cd my-new-site
  3. Start up the development server: plenti serve
  4. Navigate to the site in your browser: localhost:3000

Learning the Basics 🎓

  1. Documentation:
  2. Videos: YouTube playlist

Contributing :purple_heart:

Plenti is brand new and needs to be test driven a bit to work out the kinks. If you find bugs or have any questions, please open a new issue to let us know! Thank you for being patient while Plenti grows :seedling: