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AndroidJNIHelper SByte Errors Nonstop Madness
Hi, hope you are doing well. Whenever I save data to the cloud and read from it, I always have this error below. What can I do about this?
AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature: using Byte parameters is obsolete, use SByte parameters instead
UnityEngine.AndroidJavaObject:Call(String, Object[])
GooglePlayGames.Android.AndroidSavedGameClient:ReadBinaryData(ISavedGameMetadata, Action`2) (at F:/Desktop/Shark Pew Pew/SharkPewPew/Assets/GooglePlayGames/Platforms/Android/AndroidSavedGameClient.cs:210)
EasyMobile.Internal.GameServices.AndroidSavedGameClient:ReadSavedGameData(SavedGame, Action`3) (at F:/Desktop/Shark Pew Pew/SharkPewPew/Assets/EasyMobile/Scripts/Modules/GameServices/SavedGames/Platforms/AndroidSavedGameClient.cs:95)
CloudGameSave:ReadSavedGame(SavedGame, String) (at F:/Desktop/Shark Pew Pew/SharkPewPew/Assets/Scripts/Game Data Classes/CloudGameSave.cs:131)
<PullDataFromCloud>d__5:MoveNext() (at F:/Desktop/Shark Pew Pew/SharkPewPew/Assets/Scripts/Game Data Classes/CloudGameSave.cs:72)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
I think this is not an error but warning. There was another issue filed about this and I added it to our backlog to fix with the next release. If it is just a warning, please ignore it for now and wait for the next release. Otherwise, let us know if this is an error and we will look into it.
I heard the same from the other user who tested it. When the game was stuck in the loading, the above warning message always popped up and it goes the infinite load. It seems like authentication passed but is stuck in the loading data from SavedGames.