play-games-plugin-for-unity copied to clipboard
The published application now gives an error: "Max XP must be more than min XP!."
My game published on Google Play. Unity version: 2019.2.xx (not exactly sure but at least version 2.12) GPGS Version: 0.9.64 My location: Istanbul/Turkey
- Last Update: 26-10-2019
- The top 10 scores and user score are downloaded and displayed on the game UI. (I don't use the Play services own leaderboard UI)
- Everything worked fine until a few days ago. But now when I want to view the score table, the application crashes after viewing the scores. (I didn't update the app)
- I got this error:
E/GamesNativeSDK(16665): Exception in com/google/android/gms/games/leaderboard/LeaderboardScoreBuffer.get: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Max XP must be more than min XP!.
- I attached log.txt (The error code starts from line 359) log.txt
Edit: Before that happened, I updated the google play app on the phone and deleted the cache and data in the settings.
I still suspect that it may be related to the issue we had last week. Two things:
- Can you try the same thing with another account and see if you get the same crash?
- Do you see any problems when you use the default leaderboard UI?
I handle it.. But I lose my scores.
- Befaore, I tried another phones. Its working. (It just didn't work on my phone and my account)
- In the Google Play Games app, I have reset all data for the game. And it began work. It's uggly..
- I cant try defult UI. (It's need new update to console)
We are getting reports of the same issue in one of our games. It's on Unity 2019.2.11 and GPGS 0.9.63.
Having this issue as well...
@ozdemir08 @olehkuznetsov What happened to the leaderboards? There seems to have been a lot of new bugs introduced that aren't getting any attention lately. Scores can't even be loaded anymore without getting this bug.
What's the status of things?
Does it happen for you on a new plugin as well?
Does it happen for you on a new plugin as well?
Yes. Latest version of the plugin and Unity 2019.3.6f1.
For what it's worth, I encountered the same result on one device (Google Pixel XL on Android 10) when doing a player-centered scores request on a specific leaderboard. Stack trace was:
AndroidJavaException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Max XP must be more than min XP!
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Max XP must be more than min XP!<init>(<init>(<init>(<init>(
Other devices were fine with the same GPGS account. It occurred in both the live build (using v0.10.12 of the plugin) and a dev build (using v0.11.01). Clearing the Google Play Games app cache solved it.
What's frustrating is there's no way of knowing for sure at runtime what's happened. All I can realistically do put a timeout on each request and assume if it hits an arbitrary limit that the callbacks will never fire, and respond accordingly.
Actually — it looks like the issue was probably caused by something else. We recently dropped the points values for a bunch of our achievements to make way for some new achievements. The points changes are still sitting unpublished in the game's Google Play Games configuration. If we are running the game on a device signed in to one of our GPGS test accounts (which will use the unpublished achievement changes) then it gets the erratic Max XP must be more than min XP!
error; if it's using a non-test account (which uses the live achievements), then the error never shows up.
This would make sense given the call stack; even though its going through a leaderboard query, and not an achievement query, it looks like it's checking the player level is consistent, which probably involves checking that the earned achievement XP is lower than the total available XP. I can't imagine lowering achievement XP is something developers do often, so this could be an edge case that just hasn't ever been picked up internally.
Doesn't help much of course! If we can't fix it, or predict what would happen if we published the changes, we'll just have to roll back the XP changes and not add any new achievements. It might be ok if we publish the changes but I can't risk this error rolling out to the live build.
Any update with this?
I got this issue when I call the code below.
PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.LoadScores( leaderboardId, LeaderboardStart.PlayerCentered, 10, LeaderboardCollection.Public, LeaderboardTimeSpan.AllTime, (data) =>{...} )
Change the rowCount from 10 to 100. I got a warning, the rowCount should be between 1 and 30. Change the rowCount to 25 and it works.