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Upgrade com.ning:async-http-client to org.asynchttpclient:async-http-client
Play v1.7.1 still relies on an old version of AsyncHttpClient:
This library has moved from (last commit in 2016) to
Should we upgrade Play accordingly?
@sp00m Yes, sure, it would be great to upgrade Play accordingly. Can you prepare a pull request?
@sp00m Wait, no, we cannot upgrade. This library requires Netty 4.1.60.Final, but Play1 still uses Netty 3.x
Ouch, good catch! Looks like migrating to Netty 4 is WIP: That doesn't seem easy though, according to the discussions on that issue :/
An attempt was also made to upgrade this on RePlay (a Play1 fork):
It's quite close, but serving static assets is still a pain point iirc.
Would it be an alternative to use Java's "new" built in HttpClient? Support both send() and sendAsync().