face-py-faster-rcnn copied to clipboard
Face Detection with the Faster R-CNN
大神,有DCVNet的源代码合预训练好的模型提供一下,拜读了一下你们写的DCVNet计算光流,想要一份代码测试一下结果,可以的话发一份到我的QQ邮箱:[email protected]
Hi, i am a new guy here. i want to reproduce the training, and i follow the step in ReadMe. but after 80000 iters, the loss of fast-rcnn and rpn...
Updated the link to pre-trained imagenet models as updated in the py-faster-rcnn repo. The previous link is broken.
用你的代码训练好模型后,测试的时候出现了这个问题,对比了py-faster-rcnn实在找不出问题所在,请问您知道该怎么解决这问题吗?感激不尽!!! F1117 21:54:04.586999 26476 roi_pooling_layer.cu:87] Check failed: error == cudaSuccess (9 vs. 0) invalid configuration argument
Hello, I am not able to download the pre-trained model from http://supermoe.cs.umass.edu/~hzjiang/data/vgg16_faster_rcnn_iter_80000.caffemodel Also please guide me to test this for a sample image to detect faces using the above pre-trained...