editor copied to clipboard
Animation Timeline
Please see this video. I think it would be nice if PlayCanvas had a similar feature. And being able to choose an interpolation method between keyframes like the video shows. Download Studio and play a little with their timeline feature. Being able to make a bezier path would also be nice to move a model on a curve.
This is currently on the roadmap as 'Animation dope sheet editor'. In the short term, some simple animations can be done via the tween library: https://github.com/playcanvas/playcanvas-tween
@yaustar Does it include bezier path to move objects on a curve?
Are you asking about playcanvas-tween? If so, no it doesn't. It just supports simple tweens.
No, not playcanvas-tween. The animation dope sheet editor. It would be really great if it supported bezier curves for curved path animations.
The animation dope sheet editor hasn't been spec'ed or started work yet.
Oh I see...please consider my request then. Thanks!
Using https://www.theatrejs.com/ could be a consideration here and integrating the runtime and editor to our own.
LeXXik has made a runtime version of this here: https://forum.playcanvas.com/t/playcanvas-theatre-js/25376
I approve the idea. Theatrejs already has all the logic we need for this feature request, and it's very polished. The effort of integrating theatrejs with PlayCanvas might be considerably less than developing this feature request from scratch.
this would be an amazing tool that I could see us using instantly.
+1 Agreed, this would be a game changer for my team and would get us to switch from using other web based 3D engines.
Yes please, this feature would have made my work so far on playcanvas so much easier and better. Hoping to see it coming soon