Custom algorithm to check document actually ready.
Write scrapers using python.
Once there is a SQL error, the exception stack including the entire SQL is written to the log file or the console, which is very long. We can write the...
The following queries are failed: document.selectHyperlinks('*[href*=/dp/]') ele.selectHyperlinks('*[href*=/dp/]') the following queiries are supported by chrome devtools, bug not sure they are standard or not, they are also failed: document.selectHyperlinks('[href*=/dp/]') ele.selectHyperlinks('[href*=/dp/]')
When run .\harvest.ps1, the program tries to connect to mongodb at port 27017. We expect it raise a embed MongoDB. 10:35:21.347 [main] INFO org.shaded.mongodb.driver.cluster - Adding discovered server to...
Add, so we can talk to the webpage when we interact with it.
CDP upgraded and failed to serialize ResponseReceivedExtraInfo since Google Chrome 127. Exception: ``` com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.lang.String` from Object value (token `JsonToken.START_OBJECT`) at [Source: UNKNOWN; byte offset:...
We need parse dates from natural language text: ```java String text = "Let's meet next Friday for coffee."; Parser parser = new Parser(); List groups = parser.parse(text); ``` ### Popular...
Add new load option `-priority`, so the priority can be applied for each task.
Use line filters when extracting links from a Java resource or a file using LinkExtractors. ``` LinkExtractors.fromResource(resource).filter { it.contains("Pet Supplies") } ```