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Hard-to-test patterns in C++ and how to refactor them

Refactoring for testability in C++ Examples CI

Hard-to-test patterns in C++ and how to refactor them.


  • What
  • Why
  • How
  • Hard-to-test patterns
    • Files
    • Hardcoded dependencies
    • Third-party libraries
    • new operators
    • Time
    • Law of Demeter
    • Domain logic dependent on application logic
    • Singletons
  • License


This repository includes examples of code that is tricky to unit test. The difficulty, in the context of this work, does not lie in its inherent complexity when it comes to the logic or domain. For example, software that has many branches or tries to solve a problem that needs to follow a set of convoluted business rules, will not be examined. In fact, all of the examples are rather simple.

The focus will be on patterns technically difficult to unit test because they:

  • Require irrelevant software to be tested too
    • E.g.: 3rd party libraries, classes other than the one under test
  • Delay the test execution
    • E.g.: sleeps inside code under test
  • Require intricate structures to be copied or written from scratch
    • E.g.: Fakes containing a lot of logic
  • Require test details to be included in the production code
    • E.g.: #ifdef UNIT_TESTS
  • Make changes and/or are dependent on the runtime environment
    • E.g.: Creating or reading from files


If the code is testable, writing unit tests can be particularly fun. It can be seen as a satisfying way to prove your effort is correct in principle. Of course, writing unit tests does not necessarily imply your software works as a whole, especially in conjunction with other parts of the system. To ensure this you should look into other types of testing, where larger pieces of functionality get verified. The most important thing to remember is all of these tests should be automated.

When it comes to unit tests, you should author testable code that can be verified with small and atomic tests. You should not have to test unrelated logic nor implement complex functionality just to be able to test. After all, unit testing should be fun and give you the confidence to develop without worrying you "broke" something.

The three main reasons behind untestable or hard to test code, in a not-so-random order are:

  1. Project management does not care about quality
  2. Developers do not know how to write testable code
  3. Domain constraints on the design and technology

The latter (3), is sometimes an excuse brought forward by developers from (2) so it needs to be taken with a grain of salt by the management if they do not want to be part of (1).


Writing testable code, does not fundamentally differ from writing good code. It is however much easier to produce such code, if you write it along or after your unit tests (TDD). Whatever your approach may be, as a rule of thumb, writing code according to the following guidelines and design principles, will in most cases result in easy-to-test software:

Hard-to-test patterns

The patterns or, if you may, concepts, are organized in directories named after their subject and are outlined below. These concepts are fundamentally difficult to test but please keep in mind this is not necessarily the only way to do so. Moreover, with the introduction of more feature-rich testing frameworks, dependency injection containers etc, there may be ways to get around the inherent lack of testability of these examples. That being said, it is good to know how to refactor them according to object oriented design best practices as well as the C++ Core guidelines. We illustrate this by relying only on GoogleTest. GoogleTest, which includes mocking via GoogleMock is a lightweight testing framework and probably the de facto standard for C++.

The solutions proposed, do not claim to be better in performance nor compliant with any safety critical coding guidelines your project may have. They tackle the lack of testability at a software design level and do not take into account special domain constraints. Nonetheless, if performance is brought forward as an argument against testable code, before taking any decisions please refer to the 3 rules of optimization.

The code examples use CMake and need a compiler that supports C++17 or later. In most cases they include the code before and after the refactoring efforts in the same file under different namespaces. This is done for the sake of simplicity and has the side-effect of having including indications to code smells in the build configuration. These indications are typically followed by comments that point them out. What is perhaps most interesting is that the API does not change. Therefore, assuming you have well-thought APIs for your classes then you should be able to contain the refactoring changes.

All the examples are runnable and inspired by real-life situations.


Reading from and writing to files is a relatively common and simple task. However, when it is time for unit tests, things get trickier. This is because if we actually start writing or reading files during our unit tests, we are on one hand verifying that our filesystem operations work on the other we are dependent on our host environment and its file structure.


bool write(const std::string& filePath, const std::string& content)
    std::ofstream outfile(filePath.c_str(), std::ios::trunc);
    if (outfile.good())
        outfile << content << std::endl;

    return outfile.good();

std::optional<std::string> read(const std::string& filePath)
    std::ifstream fileToRead(filePath);
    std::stringstream buffer;
    buffer << fileToRead.rdbuf();

    if (buffer.good())
        return std::make_optional(buffer.str());

    return std::nullopt;

bool FileEncoder::encode(const std::string& filePath) const
    const auto validFileContents = read(filePath);
    if (!validFileContents)
        return false;
    auto encodedFileContents = validFileContents.value();
    for (auto& c : encodedFileContents)
        if (std::isalnum(c))
    const auto wroteFileSuccessfully
        = write(filePath + ".encoded", encodedFileContents);

    return wroteFileSuccessfully;


Reading and writing to files should not be unit tested. Instead, you should abstract these operations out into, preferably separate, interfaces and use them instead.

struct FileReader
    virtual ~FileReader() = default;

    virtual std::optional<std::string>
    read(const std::string& filePath) const = 0;

std::optional<std::string> MyFileReader::read(const std::string& filePath) const
    std::ifstream fileToRead(filePath);
    std::stringstream buffer;
    buffer << fileToRead.rdbuf();

    if (buffer.good())
        return std::make_optional(buffer.str());

    return std::nullopt;

struct FileWriter
    virtual ~FileWriter() = default;

    virtual bool write(const std::string& filePath,
                       const std::string& content) const = 0;

bool MyFileWriter::write(const std::string& filePath,
                         const std::string& content) const
    std::ofstream outfile(filePath.c_str(), std::ios::trunc);
    if (outfile.good())
        outfile << content << std::endl;

    return outfile.good();

struct FileEncoder
    FileEncoder(FileReader& fileReader, FileWriter& fileWriter);

    bool encode(const std::string& filePath) const;

    FileReader& mFileReader;
    FileWriter& mFileWriter;
Refactored file(s) Unit tests
FileEncoder.hpp FileEncoder_test.cpp

Hardcoded dependencies

Hardcoding dependencies results in having to include unrelated, to our unit under test, code in our test setup. Consequently, we end up testing more than we should and particularly code that has likely been tested before. This also means our test cases are no longer atomic. Testing aside, our implementation is tightly coupled to another implementation which reduces its reusability. Additionally, changes in the implementation of the hardcoded dependencies may trigger changes in our unit under test, which reduces maintainability and hinders software evolution.

There are two ways we may end up in this situation:

  1. Using concrete classes
  2. Extending concrete classes


// Using a concrete class
struct DirectionlessOdometer
    DirectionlessOdometer(int pulsePin, int pulsesPerMeter);

    double getDistance() const;

    const int mPulsesPerMeter;
    int mPulses{0};
    MyInterruptServiceManager mInterruptManager;

DirectionlessOdometer::DirectionlessOdometer(int pulsePin, int pulsesPerMeter)
    : mPulsesPerMeter{pulsesPerMeter}
    mInterruptManager.triggerOnNewPulse(pulsePin, [this]() { mPulses++; });

double DirectionlessOdometer::getDistance() const
    return mPulses == 0 ? 0.0 : static_cast<double>(mPulsesPerMeter) / mPulses;

// Extending (and using) a concrete class
struct DirectionalOdometer : public DirectionlessOdometer
    DirectionalOdometer(int directionPin, int pulsePin, int pulsesPerMeter);

    MyPinReader mPinReader;
    const int mDirectionPin;

DirectionalOdometer::DirectionalOdometer(int directionPin,
                                         int pulsePin,
                                         int pulsesPerMeter)
    : DirectionlessOdometer(pulsePin, pulsesPerMeter)
    , mDirectionPin{directionPin}
    mInterruptManager.triggerOnNewPulse(pulsePin, [this]() {
        if (


We separate the common functionality in a new class and stop extending the concrete class. This has the added semantic benefit of avoiding to impose a parent-child relationship. After all, a DirectionalOdometer is not really a DirectionlessOdometer, is it?
Then, we inject the abstracted resources that are being used into the classes that use them via the respective constructors.

struct Encoder
    virtual ~Encoder() = default;

    virtual void incrementPulses()     = 0;
    virtual void decrementPulses()     = 0;
    virtual double getDistance() const = 0;

struct DirectionlessOdometer
    DirectionlessOdometer(Encoder& encoder,
                          InterruptServiceManager& interruptServiceManager,
                          int pulsePin);

    double getDistance() const;

    Encoder& mEncoder;

struct DirectionalOdometer
    DirectionalOdometer(Encoder& encoder,
                        InterruptServiceManager& interruptServiceManager,
                        PinReader& pinReader,
                        int directionPin,
                        int pulsePin);

    double getDistance() const;

    Encoder& mEncoder;
    PinReader& mPinReader;
Refactored file(s) Unit tests
DirectionlessOdometer.hpp Odometers_test.cpp

Third-party libraries

Using third-party libraries instead of reinventing the wheel is a must if you do not want to spend your time in commodity functionality that does not differentiate your product in any valuable way. Like hardcoded dependencies, we should not be pulling them in our unit tests as they are unrelated and they should not be tested, at least by our unit tests.


PlatisSolutionsBenchmarker::getResponseTime() const
    const auto start        = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    auto downloadSuccessful = false;
    if (auto curl = curl_easy_init())
        auto fp = fopen(kFilePath, "wb");
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, kUrl);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, NULL);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp);

        downloadSuccessful = curl_easy_perform(curl) == CURLE_OK;

    const auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();

    if (downloadSuccessful)
        const auto elapsedTime
            = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end
                                                                    - start);
        return std::make_optional(elapsedTime);

    return std::nullopt;


Instead of using libcurl directly in our code, we create a wrapper class around it. This wrapper class, abstracts the business value we are after when using this 3rd party software. As a result, we do not have to be actually using curl to download things during our unit tests. Furtheremore, we are also not limited to curl. If we opt for another way of downloading files, we can simply inject a different Downloader implementation.

struct Downloader
    virtual ~Downloader() = default;

    virtual bool download(const std::string& url,
                          const std::string& destination) const = 0;

PlatisSolutionsBenchmarker::getResponseTime() const
    const auto start              = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    const auto downloadSuccessful =, kFilePath);
    const auto end                = std::chrono::system_clock::now();

    if (downloadSuccessful)
        const auto elapsedTime
            = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end
                                                                    - start);
        return std::make_optional(elapsedTime);

    return std::nullopt;
Refactored file(s) Unit tests
PlatisSolutionsBenchmarker.hpp PlatisSolutionsBenchmarker_test.cpp

new operators

Occasionally, it is not possible to inject dependencies because they may not be known during compile-time. For example, if you have a machine that can be connected to many different parts, we would need to figure out during run-time what those parts are to represent them programmatically. This is achieved by instantiating the new resource. Hopefully, you are not using the new operator but instead create your resources on the stack or using smart pointers. Whatever the case may be, testing this behavior is difficult since your test cases have no knowledge of the newly created resources.


struct Sensor
    virtual ~Sensor() = default;

    virtual int getDistance() const = 0;

enum class SensorIdentifier
    LaserSensor      = 0x2A,
    InfraredSensor   = 0x1C,
    UltrasonicSensor = 0x1D

struct SensorScanner
    virtual ~SensorScanner() = default;

    virtual std::vector<SensorIdentifier> scan() const = 0;

struct SensorManager
    SensorManager(SensorScanner& sensorScanner);

    std::vector<int> getSurroundingDistances() const;

    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Sensor>> mSensors;

SensorManager::SensorManager(SensorScanner& sensorScanner)
    const auto detectedSensorIds = sensorScanner.scan();

    for (const auto& id : detectedSensorIds)
        switch (id)
        case SensorIdentifier::InfraredSensor:
        case SensorIdentifier::UltrasonicSensor:
        case SensorIdentifier::LaserSensor:
            throw std::logic_error("Unknown sensor");


We may be able to determine what the sensorScanner returns, as it is a resource we know will be needed during compilation. However, we have no control of the private variable mSensors and do not even think of making it public or protected just increase your coverage. To make things worse, we need to pull in concrete classes (e.g. InfraredSensor etc) which aside from being unrelated to our unit under test, may also be tricky (e.g. the sensors cannot be compiled for our host machine). Instead, you should use an abstract factory that will be injected and therefore controllable by our tests.

By the way, you should not use the SensorIdentifier as an input to the factory as you will couple two domains that are not dependent on each other. And even if they are coupled at the moment, that does not mean they will be in the future or another variant of your product.

enum class SensorType

struct SensorFactory
    virtual ~SensorFactory() = default;

    virtual std::unique_ptr<Sensor> getSensor(SensorType sensorType) const = 0;

struct SensorManager
    SensorManager(SensorScanner& sensorScanner, SensorFactory& sensorFactory);

    std::vector<int> getSurroundingDistances() const;

    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Sensor>> mSensors;

SensorManager::SensorManager(SensorScanner& sensorScanner,
                             SensorFactory& sensorFactory)
    const auto detectedSensorIds = sensorScanner.scan();

    for (const auto& id : detectedSensorIds)
        switch (id)
        case SensorIdentifier::InfraredSensor:
        case SensorIdentifier::UltrasonicSensor:
        case SensorIdentifier::LaserSensor:
            throw std::logic_error("Unknown sensor");
Refactored file(s) Unit tests
SensorManager.hpp SensorManager_test.cpp


Very often we need to perform operations that involve time. For example, we may need to execute some actions at a specific interval, wait until another event happens, a timeout expires etc. Writing code for this is very straight forward unlike testing it. To begin with, one should be able to execute unit tests fast to quickly verify the new functionality they are introducing to the project. Therefore, waiting for things to happen, can significantly delay the test feedback loops. To make things worse, the period we need to wait might be arbitrarily large (e.g. hours or days) which would deem any related functionality unfit for unit tests.


bool PowerController::turnOn()

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mRunnerMutex);

        lk, 10s, [this]() { return mPulseReceived.load(); });

    return mPulseReceived.load();


Testing turnOn means we would have to wait for at least 1 second for every test. To verify we would actually block the execution and wait until the timeout expires, we would have to wait even longer. If you contemplate upon it, the *actual waiting is not part of our logic, but a requirement of whatever receives the pulse and sends back a signal. Instead, we should abstract the time-related operations behind two interfaces. One that simply "keeps time" or merely blocks the current thread and another to schedule events, such as the timeout expiry.

struct TimeKeeper
    virtual ~TimeKeeper() = default;

    virtual void sleepFor(std::chrono::milliseconds delay) const = 0;

class AsynchronousTimer
    virtual ~AsynchronousTimer() = default;

    virtual void schedule(std::function<void()> task,
                          std::chrono::seconds delay)
        = 0;
    virtual void abort() = 0;

bool PowerController::turnOn()

        [this]() {
            mPulseTimedOut = true;

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mRunnerMutex);

    mConditionVariable.wait(lk, [this]() {
        return mPulseReceived.load() || mPulseTimedOut.load();

    mPulseTimedOut = false;

    return mPulseReceived.load();
Refactored file(s) Unit tests
PowerController.hpp PowerController_test.cpp

Law of Demeter

  • Each unit should have only limited knowledge about other units: only units "closely" related to the current unit.
  • Each unit should only talk to its friends; don't talk to strangers.
  • Only talk to your immediate friends.


The Law of Demeter for functions requires that a method M of an object O may only invoke the methods of the following kinds of objects:

  1. O itself
  2. M’s parameters
  3. Any objects created/instantiated within M
  4. O’s direct component objects
  5. A global variable, accessible by O, in the scope of M


Violations of the Law of Demeter generally make your software susceptible to changes of indirect or non-obvious dependencies and violates the object oriented design principle of the separation of concerns. When it comes to testing, it is a primary suspect for pulling in unrelated dependencies, since our unit becomes coupled to the resources its resources utilize.


struct SerialPortClient
    virtual ~SerialPortClient() = default;

    virtual void send(std::string message) const = 0;

struct CommunicationManager
    virtual ~CommunicationManager() = default;

    virtual void sendViaSerial(std::string message)       = 0;
    virtual SerialPortClient& getSerialPortClient() const = 0;

void MyCommunicationManager::sendViaSerial(std::string message)
    mSerialPortClient.send(std::to_string(mSequenceNumber++) + ":" + message);

SerialPortClient& MyCommunicationManager::getSerialPortClient() const
    return mSerialPortClient;

void StateBroadcaster::broadcast()

void StateBroadcaster::emergencyBroadcast()


Thankfully, solving this is rather easy in two ways. If your unit needs to use a resource, then it should do that directly, not through others. However, before injecting and letting your unit use the resource, one should carefully think of whether it should. Your unit is likely concerned with something it should not and another class should be hosting that functionality instead.

struct CommunicationManager
    virtual ~CommunicationManager() = default;

    virtual void sendViaSerial(std::string message)          = 0;
    virtual void sendViaRawSerial(std::string message) const = 0;

void MyCommunicationManager::sendViaSerial(std::string message)
    mSerialPortClient.send(std::to_string(mSequenceNumber++) + ":" + message);

void MyCommunicationManager::sendViaRawSerial(std::string message) const

void StateBroadcaster::broadcast()

void StateBroadcaster::emergencyBroadcast()
Refactored file(s) Unit tests
CommunicationManager.hpp StateBroadcaster_test.cpp

Domain logic dependent on application logic

Having the domain/platform logic dependent on the application is one of the most common yet serious mistakes one can do. It hurts the maintainability, readability and reusability of software. Eventually makes it unsustainable. A common way to differentiate between variants is via preprocessor macros. While macros by themselves are usually unnecessary and are discouraged by the C++ Core guidelines (e.g. ES.30, ES.31), they make things tricky to test. Specifically, the more the variants are, the worse it gets.


struct CommunicationManager
    CommunicationManager(SerialPortClient& serialPortClient);

    void sendViaSerial(std::string message);

    SerialPortClient& mSerialPortClient;

void CommunicationManager::sendViaSerial(std::string message)
#if defined(FOO_PRODUCT)
    static int sequenceNumber = 0;
    mSerialPortClient.send(std::to_string(sequenceNumber++) + ":" + message);
#elif defined(BAR_PRODUCT)
    mSerialPortClient.send("M:" + message + ",");
#error Did you forget to define a product?


The example is rather simple but (sadly) common and sufficiently thwarts our software's testability. CommunicationManager is a typical platform component that handles the communication with other parts of the system. The fact that different product variants communicate over different protocols or formats, should not be the platform's concern. Instead, we create other classes (children of SerialFormatter) that encapsulate product-specific business logic. Rather than awkwardly defining preprocessor symbols, we inject them into the platform component. More importantly, we can test the platform logic independently from the application functionality across different products.

As a rule of thumb, leaking application-level details into the domain logic is a very strong code smell and an indication of architectural/design debt.

struct SerialFormatter
    virtual ~SerialFormatter() = default;

    virtual std::string format(const std::string& input) = 0;

std::string BarSerialFormatter::format(const std::string& input)
    return "M:" + input + ",";

std::string FooSerialFormatter::format(const std::string& input)
    return std::to_string(mSequenceNumber++) + ":" + input;

struct CommunicationManager
    CommunicationManager(SerialPortClient& serialPortClient,
                         SerialFormatter& serialFormatter);

    void sendViaSerial(std::string message);

    SerialPortClient& mSerialPortClient;
    SerialFormatter& mSerialFormatter;

void CommunicationManager::sendViaSerial(std::string message)
Refactored file(s) Unit tests
CommunicationManager.hpp CommunicationManager_test.cpp


Try to avoid singletons (I.3). They have negative implications on multiple levels and their issues are well documented. Therefore, it comes to little surprise they are also difficult to test. As a singleton user, giving the test fixture access to the singleton instance is not straight forward or even possible without some nasty workarounds. As a singleton publisher, and depending on how you implemented your singleton, your test cases are likely to be affecting each other. Consequently, they may become more complicated just to ensure they are immune to the pattern's quirks.


struct CounterSingleton
    CounterSingleton(const CounterSingleton&) = delete;
    CounterSingleton(CounterSingleton&&)      = delete;
    CounterSingleton& operator=(const CounterSingleton&) = delete;
    CounterSingleton& operator=(CounterSingleton&&) = delete;

    void increment();
    void decrement();
    int get() const;

    static CounterSingleton& getInstance();

    CounterSingleton() = default;

    std::atomic<int> mCounter{0};

CounterSingleton& CounterSingleton::getInstance()
    static CounterSingleton instance;

    return instance;

void countTo(int number)
    // Hard to test context
    auto& counter        = CounterSingleton::getInstance();
    bool shouldIncrement = counter.get() < number;

    while (counter.get() != number)
        if (shouldIncrement)


Ideally, you would remove the singletons from your code-base. Instead of having your classes acquire the common resource, you should inject the common resource to them. After all, why must your class care whether the resource it uses is also used elsewhere?

Anyway, let's assume you thought it through and concluded that removing the singletons is not feasible. For example, the overall code structure/framework may not be facilitating the injection of resources. Additionally, the singleton has been created by a third party, so it is not easy or possible to drastically change their code.

To remedy the situation, you need to isolate the hard-to-test part of getting a hold of the singleton instance. Then, you can skip unit testing this. Instead, once you have gotten hold of the instance, you should inject it to your business logic which you can test. Of course, before injecting it you need to have the appropriate abstractions in place. You can do this either by having your instance implement an interface or, if that is not practical, have a wrapper class around it that implements the said interface.

Wrapper class around singleton instance
struct Counter
    virtual ~Counter()       = default;
    virtual void increment() = 0;
    virtual void decrement() = 0;
    virtual int get() const  = 0;

struct CommonCounter : public Counter
    CommonCounter(CounterSingleton& counterSingleton);

    void increment() override;
    void decrement() override;
    int get() const override;

    CounterSingleton& mCounterSingleton;

struct CounterManager
    CounterManager(Counter& counter);

    void countTo(int number);

    Counter& mCounter;

void CounterManager::countTo(int number)
    // Easy to test context
    bool shouldIncrement = mCounter.get() < number;

    while (mCounter.get() != number)
        if (shouldIncrement)
Singleton instance implements an interface
struct CounterSingleton : public Counter
    CounterSingleton(const CounterSingleton&) = delete;
    CounterSingleton(CounterSingleton&&)      = delete;
    CounterSingleton& operator=(const CounterSingleton&) = delete;
    CounterSingleton& operator=(CounterSingleton&&) = delete;

    void increment() override;
    void decrement() override;
    int get() const override;

    static CounterSingleton& getInstance();

    CounterSingleton() = default;

    std::atomic<int> mCounter{0};
Refactored file(s) Unit tests
CounterSingleton.hpp CounterManager_test.cpp


  • Code is licensed under MIT license
  • Markdown files are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0