platformio-core copied to clipboard
Error: Unknown board ID - due to wrong absolute path used instead of relative path in case of subst-ed Windows drive
What kind of issue is this?
- [x] PlatformIO Core. If you’ve found a bug, please provide an information below.
Operating system: Win7 + VS Code version 1.63.2
PlatformIO Version (platformio --version
): PlatformIO Core, version 5.2.4
Description of problem
Build fails with Error: Unknown board ID 'esp8266_1M' on project that's been working flawlessly for the past several months. Only VS Code and PIO IDE has got updated. Reinstalling VS Code, PIO IDE, even with deleting <user>\.platformio and .vscode folders doesn't change anything.
I've spent several days locating the error, and finally it is reproducible.
Short version: During build, the relative path to .pio directory gets substituted with a wrong absolute path. See below Steps to Reproduce
Steps to Reproduce
Configuration: > subst Z: C:\DRIVE_Z
- Project located at
(physically atC:\DRIVE_Z\_\Project
) previously has built flawlessly, but due to some change in the past approx. 2 months in PIO now fails with Error: Unknown board ID 'esp8266_1M' - If I copy the files to
, it magically builds.
If the project is located on real drives C: or Y:, log shows: Compiling .pio\build\............c.o
If the project is located on a subst'ed virtual drive Z:, log shows: Compiling C:\_\Project\.pio\build\............c.o
So PIO somehow figures out, that this is a virtual drive, and starts using absolute path, but uses only the original drive letter but not the original path, somehow it uses <original drive letter>:\<path to project on subst drive>\...
instead of <original drive letter>:\<path to project on original drive>\...
Though I don't understand why it tries to replace the perfectly working relative path with an absolute path?
Add a junction that redirects C:\_\Project
to C:\DRIVE_Z\_\Project
If problems with PlatformIO Build System:
The content of platformio.ini
(This is the Tasmota project, that works perfectly when it is NOT on a subst-ed drive.)
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter, extra scripting
; Upload options: custom port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; *********************************************************************
; *** Selection of Tasmota build variant is done with VSC
; *** alternatively can be done in: platformio_override.ini
; *** See example: platformio_override_sample.ini
; *********************************************************************
description = Provide ESP8266 / ESP32 based devices with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware
src_dir = tasmota
lib_dir = lib/default
boards_dir = boards
build_cache_dir = .cache
extra_configs = platformio_tasmota32.ini
platform = ${core.platform}
platform_packages = ${core.platform_packages}
framework = arduino
board = esp8266_1M
board_build.filesystem = littlefs
custom_unpack_dir = unpacked_littlefs
build_unflags = ${core.build_unflags}
build_flags = ${core.build_flags}
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_port = COM5
; *** Upload Serial reset method for Wemos and NodeMCU
upload_resetmethod = nodemcu
upload_port = COM5
extra_scripts = ${scripts_defaults.extra_scripts}
lib_ldf_mode = chain
lib_compat_mode = strict
shared_libdeps_dir = lib
lib_extra_dirs =
extra_scripts = pio-tools/
; *** remove undesired all warnings
build_unflags = -Wall
; -mtarget-align
build_flags = -DCORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=0
; -mno-target-align
; *********************************************************************
; *** Use custom settings from file user_config_override.h
; *********************************************************************
build_flags = ${esp_defaults.build_flags}
; NONOSDK22x_190703 = 2.2.2-dev(38a443e)
; VTABLES in Flash
; remove the 4-bytes alignment for PSTR()
; restrict to minimal mime-types
; uncomment the following to enable TLS with 4096 RSA certificates
; *** Esp8266 Tasmota modified Arduino core based on core 2.7.4. Added Backport for PWM selection
platform = espressif8266 @ 2.6.3
platform_packages = tasmota/framework-arduinoespressif8266 @ ~2.7.4
build_unflags = ${esp_defaults.build_unflags}
build_flags = ${esp82xx_defaults.build_flags}
; *** Use ONE of the two PWM variants. Tasmota default is Locked PWM
Additional info
This very similar to #4056, but I think it has some very different root cause.
AFAIU (I'm relatively new to PIO)
- there is a bug in Python 3.8+, that is categorized as "not a bug", so won't be resolved ever
- PIO has a fix in commit 4687665 for issue #3417
- this fix uses
instead ofos.path.realpath(projects_dir)
to solve the problem of network drives - that seems to be the root cause of this issue, the problem of subst-ed drives
I used PIO last time exactly before this commit 4687665 (build was OK), then, after a long break only now, 2 months later (build fails with this fix).
Could you provide an output from the net use
Status Local Remote Network
OK H: \\\config Microsoft Windows Network
OK I: \\\backup Microsoft Windows Network
OK J: \\\addons Microsoft Windows Network
OK K: \\\media Microsoft Windows Network
OK L: \\\share Microsoft Windows Network
They used in non-PIO related context, they point to a virtual net card that is used by ssh client to forward ports through ssh tunnel to a server.
Update: And my local lan is the usual 192.168.1.x
I've spent another 2 days fighting with this issue, and finally I have a root cause of the root cause:
- The 4687665 modification of PlatformIO AND using folder names starting with $ character is what causes the problem: path-es under that $ named folder disappear in some cases, causing errors like files are missing in the system
- In case of ESP8266 development (of the Tasmota repo) this error surfaced only when I used
- In case of ESP32 development (of the Tasmota repo), the build failed even without using
in the system at all, just reinstalling everything (VSC, PIO) and putting the unzipped repo into a folder likeC:\$Something\ProjectName
was enough to fail
After renaming the folder from $Something
to _Something
, everything started to work normally with PIO! Other things has no problem with this $ character, and before 2021's autumn PIO had no problems also.
I have a guess, that when a share name starts with a $
sign, it is hidden, and somehow the 4687665 modification causes that not only shares but folders also got hidden (in some cases) when their names are starting with a $
If you think this is a special corner case, this issue can be closed.
I see. How does $
appear in Windows path? It can lead to a problem on SCons site (when building project) because SCons will try to substitute $VARs
with their values.
I simply named manually a folder with a $ in it's name because it will be on top, separated from other folders (I hate mixing stuff on drive C:, so I also subst-ed it into a separate drive). I'm using Win, and it has never been a problem, so it took me days until I figured out this can be the root cause. I'm new this ecosystem and learning the hard way. :)
In summary: don't use ANY special characters in folder/branch/etc. names, \w should be a safe option.
I simply named manually a folder with a $ in it's name because it will be on top
Just FYI, I use ! for this purpose (or even !!) and it works great and doesn't interfere with anything else.
I'm having this same "board not found" problem with a generic Win10 install and PIO and using this in my platformio.ini file:
board = lolin_s2_mini
Other ESP32 boards work fine (lolin_d32, lolin32, etc).
The has been resolved. Please re-test with pio upgrade --dev