platformio-atom-ide-terminal copied to clipboard
Drush command not found (zsh)
- [No ] I have reset Atom to defaults prior to submitting report.
- [No] I have not reset Atom to defaults prior to submitting report.
Installed Platformio atom ide and drush stopped working
Steps to reproduce
- Install Platformio atom ide
- Run drush status in drupal root
- Drush command not found
- Drush works outside in regular Terminal (outside of Atom)
Expected behavior: Drush should be found and work
Actual behavior: Drush not command not found
Reproduces how often: 100%
> atom --version
```Atom : 1.57.0
Electron: 9.4.4
Chrome : 83.0.4103.122
Node : 12.14.1```
> apm --version
```apm 2.6.2
OS name and version:
Platformio-ide-terminal version:
Big Sur, latest version of Platforimo IDE terminal
### Additional Information
<!-- Add any additional information like screenshots, gif captures,
configuration, data or other Atom package lists, that might be necessary to reproduce the issue. -->
This package is no longer maintained. Please uninstall platformio-ide-terminal and install either terminus or x-terminal
ok, thx!
Still getting same error with Terminus installed:
You should create an issue on terminus repo.