Attila Tamas Deak
Attila Tamas Deak
Tried it again, theresult so far is a game crash: [steam-239160.log]( [grvk_axl.log]( [grvk.log]( [Shipping-ThiefGame_d3d11.log]( [Shipping-ThiefGame_dxgi.log](
[grvk.log]( ``` =========================================================== Oxide Games Star Swarm Stress Test - ©2013 C:\users\steamuser\Documents\Star Swarm\Output_21_12_20_1928.txt Version 1.10 12/20/2021 19:28 =========================================================== == Hardware Configuration ================================= GPU: AMD RADV VEGA10 CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen...
Probably my issue is connected to this. After i try to log in, the login window pops the 2fa window, typing the right code, then auth, and the login window...
Logged in on windows with the same auth (Havent booted win up in two months now, just for this, now.). Twice. NO, i typed in the code. On win, the...
I think its possible, or even already done. The only thing is: i think this tool using windows specific features and tools to achieve the result. So to use it...