coz copied to clipboard
symbol lookup error on the default rust example
I've just tried to use coz for some rust programs but I don't know how to run it correctly. When I try the default example toy
provided in the rust/
directory I'm getting the following error:
$> coz run --- target/release/examples/toy
[/home/matthieu/git/plasma-umass/coz/libcoz/libcoz.cpp:100] bootstrapping coz
[/home/matthieu/git/plasma-umass/coz/libcoz/libcoz.cpp:128] Including MAIN, which is /home/matthieu/git/plasma-umass/coz/rust/target/release/examples/toy
target/release/examples/toy: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/bin/../lib/ undefined symbol: _ZNK3elf3elf11get_sectionERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
My OS is archlinux, kernel 5.12.6, gcc 10.2.0, clang 11.1.0
Any idea how to fix this problem?
It seems that running
conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default
then clearing the build and rebuilding made it work.
any way to workaroud for building without conan??