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Control Ordering Of Multiple Relationships Between Same Elements
In the attached I cannot control the sequencing of the three connection types so that they go in the order SSL, Token Auth, Control.
Is there a way to do it?
!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Component.puml
title GitLab Runner and Kubernetes Agent Connections
AddRelTag("network", $textColor="red", $lineColor="red", $lineStyle = DashedLine())
AddRelTag("auth", $textColor="orange", $lineColor="orange", $lineStyle = DashedLine())
AddRelTag("control", $textColor="green", $lineColor="green")
Boundary(network, "Any Networks", "Private, Internet, etc") {
Boundary(runnerenv, "Any Environment", "Private,Cloud,etc") {
Container(glrunner, "GitLab Runner") {
Component(glrunnertradconn, "Job Acquisition Connection")
Component(glrunneragtconn, "Agent Connection")
Boundary(glinstenv, "Any Environment", "Private,Cloud,etc") {
Boundary(glinstance, "Any GitLab Instance", "SaaS, Self-Managed") {
Component(kas, "KAS", "Spring Bean")
Component(glrails, "GitLab Rails",)
Rel(glrunnertradconn,glrunneragtconn, "K8s Command", "w/ KUBE_CONTEXT")
'Runner Polling Connection to Job Queue
Rel_R(glrunnertradconn, glrails, "Initiates", "SSL", $tags="network")
Rel_R(glrunnertradconn, glrails, "Initiates", "Token Auth", $tags="auth")
Rel_L(glrails, glrunnertradconn, "Control","Poll & Pull Jobs", $tags="control")
Boundary(k8senv, "Any Environment", "Private,Cloud,etc") {
Boundary(kasnet, "Any K8s Cluster") {
Component(k8sagent, "GL Agent for K8s")
'Runner Connection to KAS
Rel_R(glrunneragtconn, kas, "Initiates", "SSL", $tags="network")
Rel_R(glrunneragtconn, kas, "Control","Push K8s CMDs", $tags="control")
Rel_R(glrunneragtconn, kas, "Starts", "Token Auth", $tags="auth")
'K8s Agent to KAS
Rel_L(k8sagent, kas, "Initiates", "SSL", $tags="network")
Rel_L(k8sagent, kas, "Initiates", "Token Auth", $tags="auth")
Rel_R(kas, k8sagent, "Control","Poll & Pull Manifests", $tags="control")
'Layouts prioritized in order - put outer most first
'Rel_R(glrunner,kas, "Control", "Push CD", $tags="control")
'Rel_R(kas,k8sagent, "Control", "Push CD", $tags="control")
I've not come across a way to influence the order that links are shown in, but I could look some more... @kirchsth Do you know if such a thing exists?
A possible solution might be to use a sub-graph, but I'd have to do some experiments to come up with an example.
Hi @DarwinJS,
I have no final solution to change the order of the lines, but if you want to have a specific sequence then you can use a C4_Dynamic diagram and all calls are automatically numbered like below
' Dynamic activates automatically numbering
skinparam linestyle normal
!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Dynamic.puml
AddRelTag("network", $textColor="red", $lineColor="red", $lineStyle = DashedLine())
AddRelTag("auth", $textColor="orange", $lineColor="orange", $lineStyle = DashedLine())
AddRelTag("control", $textColor="green", $lineColor="green")
Component(glrunnertradconn, "Job Acquisition Connection")
Component(glrunneragtconn, "Agent Connection")
Component(kas, "KAS", "Spring Bean")
Component(glrails, "GitLab Rails")
Rel_R(glrunnertradconn,glrunneragtconn, "K8s Command", "w/ KUBE_CONTEXT")
'Runner Polling Connection to Job Queue
Rel(glrunnertradconn, glrails, "Initiates", "SSL", $tags="network")
Rel(glrunnertradconn, glrails, "Initiates", "Token Auth", $tags="auth")
Rel(glrunnertradconn, glrails, "Control","Poll & Pull Jobs", $tags="control")
Component(k8sagent, "GL Agent for K8s")
'Runner Connection to KAS
' or use custom number
' With e.g. Index($offset=1) or SetIndex(6) you can defined new starting numbers
RelIndex(Index().a, glrunneragtconn, kas, "Initiates", "SSL", $tags="network")
RelIndex(LastIndex().b, glrunneragtconn, kas, "Control","Push K8s CMDs", $tags="control")
RelIndex(LastIndex().c, glrunneragtconn, kas, "Starts", "Token Auth", $tags="auth")
RelIndex(Index().a-c, kas,k8sagent, "ICS calls")
RelIndex(SetIndex(7), kas,k8sagent, "Control", "Push CD", $tags="control")
Lay_R(glrunnertradconn, glrails)
Hi @DarwinJS, did it help? Can we close it? BR Helmut