socket.IO-objc copied to clipboard
Project references missing files
I downloaded the ZIP and under the SocketRocket Folder there are missing files that aren't included with the SocketRocket ZIP: base64.c base64.h NSData+SRB64Additions.h NSData+SRB64Additions.M I'm getting build errors that may or may not be related. Also your e-mail address link does not work. I'm new to objC and node so any instructions are appreciated. I assume to use SocketRocket all I need to do is build libsocketrocket.a and link to it under XCodes "build Phases" and include SRWebSocket.h. If this is wrong please let me know.
I found versions of the missing files at: the version of SRWebSocket is different, but I didn't note specifically the diffs. I used the more recent socketrocket .m and .h and then the rest from the above link. I had to rename the .c .m to rid of some compiler errors, and then was able to build successfully.
why are you downloading the ZIP? either check out the project using git and init the submodules or use cocoapods to install dependencies after cloning the repository.
In the past I've used SVN and haven't used git except from within XCode for the project I'm working on. Submodules sound interesting and I'll try it out. I guess I'll need to check out cocoa pods since I keep running into it.
On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 12:13 AM, Philipp Kyeck [email protected]:
why are you downloading the ZIP? either check out the project using git and init the submodules or use cocoapods to install dependencies after cloning the repository.
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Hi Philipp,
Regarding the following properties that are used as a cookie:
NSDictionary *properties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"localhost", NSHTTPCookieDomain, @"/", NSHTTPCookiePath, @"auth", NSHTTPCookieName, @"56cdea636acdf132", NSHTTPCookieValue, nil];
How in the context of a IOS app's websocket connection is NSHTTPCookieDomain and NSHTTPCookiePath used ?
On the server when I call console.log(socket.handshake.cookie) all I see is:
Also, per including & using socket.IO-objc in my project what do you recommend? It is not being built as a library per se. I only see the app as the target.
On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 1:20 AM, B Hart [email protected] wrote:
In the past I've used SVN and haven't used git except from within XCode for the project I'm working on. Submodules sound interesting and I'll try it out. I guess I'll need to check out cocoa pods since I keep running into it.
On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 12:13 AM, Philipp Kyeck [email protected]:
why are you downloading the ZIP? either check out the project using git and init the submodules or use cocoapods to install dependencies after cloning the repository.
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