@AusSandman Are you still interested in this feature? You can test it hopefully tomorrow.
Sorry did not have the time today. Will take a few more days.
@AusSandman Can you give me your time based pricings and also your timezone? For now the backend is Ready but the UI is not, so I need to generate a...
In the meantime UI got ready as well. Just change the Tag of TeslaSolarCharger in your `docker-compose.yml` from `:latest` to `:edge` and update everything with ``` docker compose pull &&...
Please provide me feedback if everything is working and calculated correctly. Note If you update a Charge Price with a valid since date in the past all prices get updated...
But it should work. Did you update TeslaMate as well? You need the latest TeslaMate version. Can you take a screenshot of TSC when it should stop charging but does...
Hmm. This should be fixed with the latest version of TeslaMate (1.27.4 should be displayed at the bottom of TeslaMate --> Settings). I am also on 2023.38.6 with my car,...
And additionally a reboot of your Docker host.
Charge Cost should display the complete cost of the charge, Price per kWh are the average cost per kWh based on used grid kWh (including when these kWh were used)...
For now it is not planned but I would be glad to see a PullRequest for that.