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electron-plugin-manager copied to clipboard

Plugin Manager based on NPM for Electron apps


Plugin Manager based on NPM for Electron apps

NOTE: Does not work with native node modules


$ npm i --save electron-plugin-manager


Let's assume our app name is Dotsync

Assuming we are storing the config data for our electron app in the %APPDATA%:

// In main process
const { app, ipcMain } = require('electron');
const epm = require('electron-plugin-manager');

const dir = path.join(app.getPath('appData'), 'Dotsync');

// In renderer process
const { remote, ipcRenderer } = require('electron');
const epm = require('electron-plugin-manager');

const dir = path.join(remote.app.getPath('appData'), 'Dotsync');


We can install a package from NPM as plugin by:

// In main process
epm.install(dir, 'is-number', 'latest', (err, pluginPath) => {
  // ...
// In renderer process
ipcRenderer.on('epm-installed-is-number', (event, err, pluginPath) => {
  // ...

ipcRenderer.send('epm-install', dir, 'is-number', 'latest');
// Response sent to `epm-installed-${name}` channel where `name` is the plugin name


We can uninstall an installed plugin by:

// In main process
epm.uninstall(dir, 'is-number', (err) => {
  // ...
// In renderer process
ipcRenderer.on('epm-uninstalled-is-number', (event, err) => {
  // ...

ipcRenderer.send('epm-uninstall', dir, 'is-number');
// Response sent to `epm-uninstalled-${name}` channel where `name` is the plugin name


We can list all the installed plugins by:

// In both process
epm.list(dir); // Array of name

We can list all the installed plugins along with their versions by:

// In both process
epm.list(dir, { version: true }); // Array of name@version


We can load a plugin by:

// In main process
epm.load(dir, 'is-number'); // Loaded plugin
// In renderer process
epm.load(dir, 'is-number', remote.require); // Loaded plugin


We can unload a plugin by:

// In main process
epm.unload(dir, 'is-number');
// In renderer process
ipcRenderer.send('epm-unload', dir, 'is-number');



Bug Reports

Report here. Guaranteed reply within a day.


Pavan Kumar Sunkara ([email protected])

Follow me on github, twitter