ElasticSwift copied to clipboard
ElasticsearchError(error: "Routing Error. The path you have requested is invalid.", status: nil)
Hi, I am trying to use elastic search. But getting this error
status: NIOHTTP1.HTTPResponseStatus.notFound
ElasticsearchError(error: "Routing Error. The path you have requested is invalid.", status: nil)
My code is below (pretty much copied from readme).
func makeClient() -> ElasticClient {
let host = "<my endpoint is on here>"
let cred = BasicClientCredential(username: "elastic", password: "<password here>")
let settings = Settings(forHost: host,
withCredentials: cred,
adaptorConfig: URLSessionAdaptorConfiguration.default)
return ElasticClient(settings: settings)
func searchRequest() {
func handler(_ result: Result<SearchResponse<Sauna>, Error>) -> Void {
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
print("searchRequest.Error", error) // getting error here
case .success(let response):
print("searchRequest.Response", response)
client = makeClient()
do {
let queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
let match = try QueryBuilders.matchQuery()
.set(field: "saunas")
.set(value: "Sauna")
queryBuilder.must(query: match)
let query = try queryBuilder.build()
let sort = SortBuilders.fieldSort("saunas")
.set(order: .asc)
let request = try SearchRequestBuilder()
.set(indices: "indexName")
.set(types: "type")
.set(query: query)
.add(sort: sort)
client.search(request, completionHandler: handler)
} catch {
print("searchRequest.error", error)
I have Engines named "saunas" on elastic which contains 89 documents.
I have no idea what "indices" or "types" means in the SearchRequestBuilder. Is there any documents that explaining those basic things?
I am pretty new to elastic, so sorry for the noob questions.. but I've been struggling for weeks. Really appreciate your help!!!