Paul Kourany
Paul Kourany
Alex, before I look at your PR, I just realized that another member has contributed a PR that adds a callback when the button is released. I never accepted it...
@dwaq, absolutely! Put together a PR with your proposed changes and we can go from there.
@tchinou1 , can you show how you declare p, r and tok?
@gioreva, the lcdD_100ptFontInfo data is not used. If you look at fonts.cpp, you will see that the start and end char data need to go as the first two bytes...
@tchinou1, here is a link to the original author's documentation:
@gioreva, the 200pt font is 45 pixels high whereas the 100pt is 91. Something doesn't seem right. Also, did you add the correct data as mentioned before?
@gioreva, char height is limited to a unint8_t or 255 which is fine in your case. The pixel array byte pointer is limited to a uint16_t or 65535 which again...
@Shiva064, this library is designed for RGB panels that use Binary Coded Modulation (BCM) [like this one from Adafruit]( and not for Neopixel (aka WS2812b) type matrices.