
Results 169 comments of pkoppstein

If you are looking for documentation that is strictly linear, then perhaps one or both of the following will be of interest to you, though neither is as comprehensive as...

@wader - Comments and suggestions re 2 are welcome. Tx. Anyone interested in a (linear) collection of practical (for the most part) applications of jq might find the jq Cookbook...

On a Mac I've been unable to reproduce the problem using the following versions (as reported by `jq --version`): ``` jq-1.5 jq-1.6 jq-1.6-129-g80052e5-dirty ``` Would you be able to run...

@entrity - Thanks for the update.

@renderit - jq handles JSON streams, by design. Thus, even jq 1.4 should easily handle "JSON Lines", without your having to do anything special. (With jq 1.5, you have the...

Thanks for your response. Even if the -c option resolved the issue, it would in my opinion still be better to adhere to "Postel's law". As it happens, though: ```...

In the section on encoding, the online q documentation page advises: > Please contact me if you encounter any issues and I'd be glad to help. Since the issues I...

> Which python version are you using? ``` $ q -v q version 2.0.19 Python: 3.9.4 (default, Apr 5 2021, 01:47:16) // [Clang 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17)] ``` > iso-8859-1 Yes, q...

> i'm in the middle of a huge change in q This sounds like very good news, but I am also wondering whether your evidently enormous talents aren't slightly misdirected....

@bitti - Your remarks strongly suggest you are not sufficiently familiar with the sqlite3 "command line shell" (, and in particular how (extremely) easy it is to use to process...