
Results 190 comments of pkoppstein

@jbrains - Since #1527 has been closed, could you please add a sentence to the effect that the sort functions are stable. E.g. ``` As of jq 1.6, the sorting...

Closing as this issue was specifically dealt with subsequently in 8345a8a62b7e3ea37974ee14bf368073e6faca7a @jbrains - If the current version of manual.yml is still not to your liking, please feel free to submit...

For reference here’s the link to onig, the relevant Rust crate:

@baud-rate - Currently (July 7), both jq and jqMaster give the same results as jaq. This was surprising to me as jaq has a reputation for correctness. That is, given...

@baod-rate - On the question of clarity: In the case of a match, the def of sub (whether in jq or gojq) makes it clear that (barring errors), sub(_; $x1,...

> What should be the output of: > '"a1bc2" | gsub("(?[a-z])[0-9]"; .x, .x+"X")' 1. Evidently you meant: `(? … )` 2. [EDIT: nonsense removed]There isn’t supposed to be anything magical...

My apologies. My attempt to formalize the main idea was wrong. But there is not supposed to be anything magical about gsub. Let me try again. Given gsub($regex; s1, s2,...

@01mf02 asked: > is this actually used in the wild? Yes. See e.g. * * the many modules at * the modules listed at

@01mf02 wrote: > $mod::bench::bench I would not expect that to work, because "mod" has been imported as a jq module, not as data. Given your setup, however, one might reasonably...

@01mf02 - Completed? I don't see a corresponding commit ....