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A WSGI HTTP-Request Logger
Request Logging for WSGI Web Applications
This is a middleware which you can use to log requests to your WSGI based site. It's even imitating Apache's combined log format to allow you to use any of the many tools for Apache log file analysis.
By making use of Python's standard library logging facilities, you can easily set it up to log to STDOUT, time rotated log files, email, syslog, etc.
Simply install this Python module via
pip install wsgi-request-logger
To add this middleware to your WSGI application
and log to the file access.log, do:
from requestlogger import WSGILogger, ApacheFormatter
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
def application(environ, start_response):
response_body = 'The request method was %s' % environ['REQUEST_METHOD']
response_body = response_body.encode('utf-8')
response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'),
('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))]
start_response('200 OK', response_headers)
return [response_body]
handlers = [ TimedRotatingFileHandler('access.log', 'd', 7) , ]
loggingapp = WSGILogger(application, handlers, ApacheFormatter())
if __name__ == '__main__':
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
http = make_server('', 8080, loggingapp)
The Authors
This WSGI middleware was originally developed under the name wsgilog by L. C. Rees. It was forked by Philipp Klaus in 2013 to build a WSGI middleware for request logging rather than exception handling and logging.
This software, wsgi-request-logger, is published under a 3-clause BSD license.
Developers' Resources
- To read about your options for the logging handler, you may want to read Python's Logging Cookbook.
- Documentation on Apache's log format can be found here.
- The WSGI - Web Server Gateway Interface - is defined in PEP 333 with an update for Python 3 in PEP 3333.
General References
- PyPI's listing of wsgi-request-logger
- The source code for this Python module is hosted on Github.
- A blog post with more background information and usage examples: wsgi-request-logger – Logging HTTP Requests With Any WSGI Web Application like Flask, Bottle or Django