Peter Kieltyka

Results 72 issues of Peter Kieltyka

- [ ] error codes and messages, similar to gen/golang - [ ] formatting, hopefully some library out there to help clean up some of this formatting for generic source...

- [x] gen/golang -- make sure to generate json struct tags always, even if we don't define them in meta - [x] gen/golang -- add go.tag.json override, might already work...

we like clean and simple JSON for serialization. But, how can we include a binary data field within a request or response object...? such as a small image, or something...

the design of webrpc is to HTTP-POST to `/rpc//` a structured JSON string to the webrpc server. Great.. but, as the input argument is sent as the request body, can...

As we have a well-defined schema, we have an opportunity to generate optimized JSON encoders/decoders for each different type that performs much better than Go's std "encoding/json". The std "encoding/json"...

Referenced issue:

batched writes are way faster for some data stores, ie. for boltdb:


Should be able to support both.. current interface is: `New(capacity int64, *anotherStore chainstore.Store)` .. maybe we should make it `New("500MB", store)` or `New("500 items", store)` .. using a simple string?...