Hi @dachshund-ncu, can you provide for me reproducible steps for the root cause of the issue? > java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "_ZN6google8protobuf8internal26fixed_address_empty_stringE" referenced by "/data/app/~~PgTBlp4bIwZ8yl02UBjqqg==/com.inseye.core.test-yoruTyRORPvs5Ap3TE6dGw==/base.apk!/lib/x86_64/". We shouldn't really...
Hi @dachshund-ncu, I was able to integrate the aar's into my default empty Android project fine ("Hello Android!"). I'm not really using any functionality though so maybe that's why I'm...
Hi @mszczuj, there's still a lot of missing context, can you please show me the Android Studio code? a full project export from a toy version (that just loads and...
Hi @dachshund-ncu, thanks for the info it helps. @terryheo, I was able to replicate with with @dachshund-ncu's project, I also rebuilt the aar using the official instructions: ```java java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen...
Hi @shsaronian, can you please try with r2.15 or nightly. Also can you please share your reproduce steps the same way as above so that will give us more data...
Hi @mmayers88, I think you're almost right... I can only find a config option for `linux_aarch64` Can you try these and let me know if you run into any...
Hi @mmayers88, apologies, you were actually right it has an e before it: ```sh bazel build --config=elinux_aarch64 -c opt //tensorflow/lite/delegates/hexagon/ bazel build --config=elinux_aarch64 -c opt //tensorflow/lite/delegates/hexagon:hexagon_delegate ``` For future reference...
I don't trust the emulator GPU delegate workflow to test this properly... @grantjensen, can you please take a look? Thanks.
Hi @ranck626, Does the above response answer your question?
Hi @BriianPowell, welcome, does this answer your question? Let us know if it does not.