Hi @mitsunami, I was able to run your project on CPU, I tried to change the project to run on GPU by changing MainViewModel:31 from 0 to 1 (which is...
Got it, I did that and did not run into your same issue, I got some errors but they seem unrelated:  TFLiteXNNPackDelegate seems to be used though, maybe something...
Hi @arfaian, can you please take a look? Thanks.
Hi @FrancoisDn, is it possible for you to share your model file to help us reproduce the issue? (If you can't share a full model, can you reduce/use a smaller/toy...
@Wawha, Thanks for the additional information, @miaout17, can you please take a look? Thanks.
Hi @ThomasRichtsfeld, Can you please make a PR with your suggested changes? We will review it. Thanks!
No worries, @ThomasRichtsfeld, is this what you are looking for?
Np, It should be reflected in both, assuming we keep supporting both workflows.
Hi @ThomasRichtsfeld, Please ensure you are following this link: Generally you can't push branches directly, you need to make a PR, let me know if you run into any...
Hi @ThomasRichtsfeld, I don't think I'm understanding your issue currently. Can you show me the exact git steps you use and the error you get. Please include context such as...