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pkgcore-based QA utility for ebuild repos

|pypi| |test| |coverage|

======== pkgcheck


pkgcheck is developed alongside pkgcore_ and snakeoil_. Running pkgcheck from git will often require both pkgcore and snakeoil from git as well.

For releases, see the required runtime dependencies_.

There are also several optional runtime dependencies that add or extend check support in various ways if found on the host system including the following:

  • git_: supports historical queries for git-based repos and commit-related checks
  • requests_: supports various network-related checks
  • Gentoo-PerlMod-Version_: supports Perl package version checks
  • tree-sitter-bash_: used in checks that inspect the CST of ebuilds and eclasess. Must be language version >= 14.


Installing latest pypi release::

pip install pkgcheck

Installing from git::

pip install

Installing from a tarball::

python install


Most users will use pkgcheck on the command line via pkgcheck scan to target ebuild repos. See the docs_ or the man page for more information on running pkgcheck.

It's also possible to run pkgcheck natively from python. For example, to output the results for a given ebuild repo:

.. code-block:: python

from pkgcheck import scan

for result in scan(['/path/to/ebuild/repo']):

This allows third party tools written in python to leverage pkgcheck's scanning functionality for purposes such as CI or VCS commit support.


Normal pytest is used, just execute::


In addition, a tox config is provided so the testsuite can be run in a virtualenv setup against all supported python versions. To run tests for all environments just execute tox in the root directory of a repo or unpacked tarball. Otherwise, for a specific python version execute something similar to the following::

tox -e py311

Adding new checks

Adding a new check consists of 2 main parts: writing the logic and documentation, and adding tests for the check.

Writing the logic

  1. Select the best file for the check under src/pkgcheck/checks/.

  2. Create new classes for the results:

    • You would need to select the correct result level (style, info, warning, error) - you might want to consult QA team.

    • You would need to select the correct context: category, package, version, profile, etc.

    • Add long user friendly documentation for the result.

    • Implement the desc property which is printed to the user.

  3. Create a new class for the check:

    • Add long user friendly documentation for the result.

    • Put the source of input for the check. This is hard, so best case is to find similar check and copy the code.

    • Define the results it can return.

    • Implement the feed function.

Adding tests

  1. Select one of the repos under testdata/repos. In most cases you would want standalone.

  2. Add the ebuild/category/test case you want to catch.

  3. cd into this directory, and run pkgcheck scan --cache-dir /tmp -R JsonStream. This should yield the results you want to catch (filter out what you expect).

  4. Add the results to the test case under: testdata/data/repos/${REPO}/${CHECK CLASS}/${RESULT CLASS}/expected.json

  5. If you want to check the fix for the test case, git add the files under testdata/repos/${REPO}, modify to fix the results, and using git diff testdata/repos/${REPO} collect the diff.

  6. Copy similar patch, add the diff to the patch file, and fix file names, under: testdata/data/repos/${REPO}/${CHECK CLASS}/${RESULT CLASS}/fix.patch

.. _pkgcore: .. _snakeoil: .. _dependencies: .. _git: .. _requests: .. _Gentoo-PerlMod-version: .. _tree-sitter-bash: .. _docs:

.. |pypi| image:: :target: .. |test| image:: :target: .. |coverage| image:: :target: